
it's "Dongwook" not "Dong Wong".

If Lego Aliens exclusive game come out looking like this (none of the real world looking background with Lego figs and props thrown in like all the Lego games out there) for Wii U, it might actually bump up the sales!!!

Oh well... I can wish...

Or... Ico+HTTYD XD

LOL where is that from? Made me laugh out loud!

Now playing

There was a Korean movie called "Fighter in the Wind" based on the life of Mas Oyama who is the founder of Kyokushin Karate...

I don't believe it for a second.

They need to open up an office in sunny Southern Cali...

I still remember how excited I was when I saw the announcement of the original Monster Hunter. Design was beautiful (it still has one of the best character/monster designs) and the idea behind the gameplay was just incredible! Who doesn't want to go after giant monsters with friends?

I need some perspective here...

I replied to one of the other replies saying I don't mind supplementary features to make notes on the map. In fact, games like Zelda, I would love to have that feature so I can make a mental note.

I did try it. And that's why I am making this comment.

You make a great point.

your analogy makes no sense whatsoever.

I dunno...

Why is there raindrops on a camera lens when it's facing downward?

Haha. Nice ending!

Isn't that a scene from Wreck it Ralph?


What the h$ll am I looking at?