I personally thought this would be a great tool.
I personally thought this would be a great tool.
That would be Dr. Minovsky... or Tomino San... depending on who you are asking...
What does he do to make money to do this?
Hahaha. But the term DLC hasn't existed at that time.
Best quote I read from Korean forum regarding this "issue"...
I can still imagine the slippery vinyl seats oh a hot Korean summer day in that car. :)
I miss Dataeast games...
Slightly confused here... Perhaps because I am not a PC gamer... So help me out a bit...
Considering how much Akihiro Hino (Level5) is involved in all productions (especially stories) of all those games, I doubt Ghibli is involved. I am pretty sure they reviewed the story (probably one of the producers at Ghibli) but I doubt they had much saying in it.
Isn't it misleading to say "Ghibli game" since it's more spearheaded by Level5?
Actually... I didn't think 3rd film was that bad. It's just that Aliens was such high charge film that took the genre to new front that it felt little blend compare to the previous film.
True sequel to Aliens. (although we are just talking trailer here)
haha. I think Japanese songs have plenty of nonsensical English words in them too. At least this one somewhat makes sense.
Don't worry. KPOP is there to rescue.
Honestly, I had most fun playing the demo of Starhawk at this year's E3.
Can anyone answer why they won't bring the European model here?
Hm... CoD franchise did this successfully.