
soooo buying this game.

my heart has left FF land since FFIX

Technology issues aside,

@MieBie: "Working Beard Door"= new feature in next gen games.

@YoungZer0: Whoa... did your brother beat you up or something? Why the hate?

@checkminus182: Well... the animated feature was made really for the fan of Manga. Which only covers like first and the second book really... (I bielieve there are 7 books total) and it jumps to the ending. Which... made no sense in narrative form.

I just... don't... think Akira is something that could be turned into live action setting... especially if they are changing the scene from Tokyo to US... Not to mention the political undertone the story is based on... It's just not made for mainstream western audience...

@shimage: You gotta go to Westminister. Sort of like Vietnamese town. about 30~40min drive from downtown LA (which is normal driving distance for LA folks to get to places). Other part of LA, you really have to do research before going to Vietnamese restaurant. But in this town, just about any place (there is at

No one talks about this one...

Too bad Gonzo is gone.


I vote for Demon's Souls

Because marketing world thinks Americans can't handle poignant abstract art representing a product. (and to certain extent, it's true).


Andamiro had a controller gun just like that with analog pad near the muzzle just like that one back in 2003 or something like that... Can't remember the name though...

I'm playing it. It's a good port of the game!

HM... Did EA really "put all the marketing muscle behind" Dead Space for Wii? I don't remember seeing much about it other than on gaming news sites...

So quick to leave out details about the incident...
