

I will wait for the official GPD data. I would hate to be proven wrong on this one...

People who rely on market research and feedback from doing focus study with random kids have the ultimate saying in creative decision in the entertainment business. Wonderful isn't it?

Adam is awesome! Support indie game makers! Buy the game!

this is what I call true "concept art". It is simple and conveys the idea of the visual very clearly.

PS2 version is actually a really fun game.

Now there is no excuse for not implementing shooting and walking at the same time.

I am a die hard Vanillaware fan. But is $49.99 for this title a reasonable price do you think?

Happy Birthday! to... myself.. sniff... -_-

Adam is genius.

I think this is a good thing. Creators who think having profanities automatically make your product more "real" are sadly mistaken. Most of times, it just ends up being very silly and out of place. Especially in video games. Unnecessarily bumping up the rating for that product for a no good reason.

It's about time!

Level 5 is a new Square/Enix!

I am in!

Wait.... I am very very confused...

@d_r_e: Except Nintnedo ships vertical stand with the Wii.

Big surprise Mr. Hirai!

LOL! Go Mini Bash!
