


What Japanese don't understand is exactly what you are pointing out. They are so busy portraying the victim side of Japan without showing any remorse for what they have done. No one would deny that there were people who went to war when they didn't want to. But the goal and nature of what Japanese imperial army was

So they didn't fire Mr. Spielberg after all.

so... how much does publisher have to pay Kotaku to have their trailers posted in a row.

I do wish they will make the play mechanics more intuitive and less labor intensive Japanese style RPG-ish.



@Danus: why would they put a wammy bar on bass guitar?

I'm crying~!

I put this together long time ago... but here you go...

less Seed, more UC and better gameplay,

Captain Price made a cross over from CoD to FO3


Those are all screenshots of the opening animation of DJ Max 2...

I thought I saw Jonathan Pryce in the trailer...

Finally, a gutsy developer stepping up to fight against questionable publisher's decision.