But if we're all born atheists, whence does religion come from?
But if we're all born atheists, whence does religion come from?
There's no point in trying to argue logically with people like this. Their arguments are pure emotion. Fact has no place in it.
Unless he's making factual mistakes he's not in some kind of "error". Moral error does not exist, because there's no objective standard by which to judge moral statements. Period. He might be covering up his guilt, but that's a separate issue.
...unless those people are white and the religious leaders are Muslims. Because then we have a problem...
It's perfectly normal for people to feel that you are accusing them of racism and to act in a defensive manner if you accuse them of being a "moral failure" when it come to race relations. Similarly, when people criticize the teachings of Islam many see this as a racist attack on brown Muslims. It happens all the time.
She is increasingly more and more tone deaf about issues pertaining to race, appropriation, etc.
True, but our grandparents in their youth would be dying to live in our times.
Why is that funny?
I don't think men have much of a problem with other men "manspreading", unless of course the subway/bus is crowded.
So this finally confirms my suspicion that women tend to cross their legs and detest "manspreading" on public transportation because, subconsciously, they are afraid of getting raped.
Maybe because they are not fighting for religious reasons?
This will never, ever, ever, ever, happen. But I think you know that already...
Making most white people feel guilty is only going to make them more defensive and will accomplish nothing. I think America would literally have to start putting black people in concentration camps before white people started feeling guilty.
No. The answer is no. I know this because of my great moral wisdom.
I agree but the reason Jezebel is not full steam ahead on this is because it would almost certainly lead to even more staring and sexualization and would probably make women even more uncomfortable than they already are.
Or does it? Perhaps the occasional decrease in sunlight caused by lunar eclipses is counterbalanced by the sunlight that's reflecting off the Earth and hitting the Moon in the form of Earthshine (which happens nearly all the time)?
I pardon your privilege. You may now speak.
Good ol' strawman. I wasn't arguing that Maher and Dawkins are unqualified to disprove religion but merely that they are not representative of the general opinion of educated white men on the topic of religion (i.e. the prevailing view in academia on the topic of religion among white men).
Morocco, really? I mean it's better than most Islamic-majority countries (then again, that isn't saying much) but it's hardly the best example: