
"Why is being able to appropriate someone's culture so important to you?"

1.) It is appropriation. You just find it less offensive.

Thank you.

"this would only work if strong women were deemed not ideal mates and they weren't able to pass their genes on, which wouldn't make sense because in those societies if you weren't physically fit enough to keep up with the group you would be left behind to die and today there are some extremely strong women and some

It would seem so...

Stop the goddam crusade, will you?

(feel free to respond to this comment later if you don't have the time now)

At the outset I would like to say that I love New Zealand, and I've spent a week down in Te Anau on the South Island (near Queenstown). That was the first and last time I've ever slept in a motel with electric bed warmers! I might even move there someday.

This shows precisely why being anti-cultural appropriation is so ridiculous. A girl like that won't be able to wear a pretty shirt just because people will get a negative emotional response from it, even if it was never her intention even in the slightest to offend anybody. Those bigoted band fans should be

Offended? Don't be.

What you say is true (as I said, there was a lot of racism against the Japanese in America and elsewhere), but to the best of my knowledge there was no oppression of the Japanese on their soil by white people. Even if trade was initially forced upon them by Perry, they benefited from that trade far more than did

If we like some native american clothes (which are often sold by the native americans themselves) then we should be free to wear them. Think about it this way. Imagine that native americans wore completely different clothes and some white fashion designer developed what we think of as native american clothes. Then

"It seems perfectly reasonable that they might find it offensive if a white person, right now in history, decides to "Ignore the cultural and historical context of those clothes.""

Americans were very racist towards the Japanese, especially during war time. Still, as I wrote in my comment, there was no significant racial exploitation of Japan in its history.

You found a true gem.

Clothing can obviously be offensive, and you can intentionally offend others with your clothing. The point I was trying to make is that if you restrict a set of clothes along ethnic/cultural lines then you will effectively increase racial/cultural divisions.

I can assure you that I am neither racist nor misogynist. Unfortunately I was born a white male and, through no fault of my own, have become a scapegoat around here. Goddamit!

Oppressed due to their race.

Somehow I'm under the impression that it's mostly white-guilt ridden white people complaining about this here.
