
Translation: She's a black women on a liberal television network so she must be blameless

Calm down.

False. Very few people genuinely hate women.


Not if the pro-life NSA people can do something about it! Am I right boys?

Pretty much once the fetus is conscious of being murdered. Before that you should be all swell and fine!

I go out on an abortion recipient hunt every day. It's very relaxing.

How many uteri do you have again?

Here are some things I think you should know.

The whole cleanup cost HARD WORKIN FREEDOM LOVIN GUN TOTIN US TAXPAYERS $250 million.

I do. I also understand that there is a conflict of interest between feminist ideals (which btw have done next to nothing in changing women's interests) and trying to keep this website popular for its target audience and generating as many page views as possible by promoting these interests.

Jezebel. The only website where saying "woman of color" does not strike anybody as racist.

What the fuck is this "woman of color" business here? Are we in the 1960s?

Jezebel is one of the most hypocritical websites on the internet. It writes ad nauseam about how society defines women's preferences for them and yet the feminists that run this website, having full control over its content, nevertheless post articles dealing almost exclusively with stereotypically feminine topics

Some other things that you might find interesting to know:

We were reluctant enough to impose sanctions on South Africa (Reagan vetoed the bill) which was not too important for us economically so there is absolutely no hope we will impose sanctions on the second largest oil exporter in the world, even if it was Nazi Germany. The other problem, as you mentioned, is that the

The bottom line is this: can she meet the educational requirements of the college she's applying to? The school can't accept her if she can't prove that she can meet them, regardless of whatever circumstances she encountered in life. Sure, the college can accept her, only to have her drop out shortly thereafter (and

That's not how you level the playing field. If we want a society that's truly equal for all races then we can't have different standards for different races. This is precisely why more and more people are realizing the inherent racism of affirmative action. And by the way, Jews (and not Asian Americans) are the most

I agree with you that the terms of surrender should have expired long ago (on the other hand, at least they're doing better than post-WWI Germany in respecting those terms). However, there is no reason to suspect that Japan would be more responsible with its military (after all, it attacked Pear Harbor after its own

It could be human light from Asia (possibly).