
So you gave the usual answer. Again, if women have a blog focusing specifically on women's issues, why not have a blog focusing specifically on men's issues (of which there are plenty)? I'm not asking for a blog that discusses male discrimination (because it is negligible compared with discrimination against women).

I've never understood why women want to use their shoes to look taller anyways.

The single biggest problem with abortion right now is that we don't agree on where life begins for an embryo/fetus and hence when an abortion is the "removal of cells" and when it is "murder". Ultimately I think the strongest case can be made for consciousness/awareness as being the demarcation line for life. After

Now playing

"Who would look after these children?" People willing to adopt children as well as orphanages. The same people that look after abandoned children today, like in windows of life, for example. Except that in the future you wouldn't have to deliver the baby to term, of course.

This is often my reaction when I realize I am drinking Diet Coke instead of Coke.

I agree, people will always categorize themselves into racial in-groups and out-groups, even if the ethnic difference between them is slight. And for the record I am Polish.

I just love this conversation you would have with your ex-parasite: "Mommy, do you love me?" - "No, I hate you" - "Why do you hate me mommy?" - "Because I didn't get to kill you" [Applause]. Seriously, let's look at what you've said here:

Pretty awesome video. Ignore you damn biases and enjoy it.

And I never said it would disappear entirely. But let me pose this argument as a question. If you lived in a future with incubator clinics and were "personally not prepared to gestate and give birth to a fetus" (that had no abnormalities) would you rather go to an abortion clinic or an incubator clinic?

First of all I never said anything about abnormalities, but let's look at that aspect of abortions. There are many ways to detect abnormalities in fetuses and many of them are still far from being even 99% accurate. In other words, some fetuses can be aborted even though they are perfectly healthy. Let's assume though

No need for abortions in the future: instead of going to an abortion clinic you go to an incubator clinic that has artificial wombs like in The Matrix and embryo can develop into a child and then be adopted/go to an orphanage. Also this would do away with the pain of pregnancy in general if everybody was willing to do

yes yes

I'm pretty sure the mt (megaton) numbers are all wrong.

Explain to me how do you stop an armed attacker without a gun/taser? If you don't have an armed security guard(s) on school grounds, your only option is to call the local police - and dozens of lives will be lost before they arrive. I am personally opposed to guns (even for police officers) and believe that tasers

Woody, the problem is the gun. The fact is that it is much easier and practical to change gun laws then it is to identify, let alone treat psychological problems in people. That is not to say that guns should be banned. They are often the only thing that can prevent a killer from knifing someone at a distance from you

If we had guns with a camera that only allowed you to shoot at people with weapons that would be a start. If those guns were tasers or used rubber-point bullets, that would be another step forward. The argument often goes that gun manufacturers should only supply the army or police officers with guns. But what if

Most of California is mountains and desert, so don't expect too many lights from there.