That’s why you leave your address when you order.
That’s why you leave your address when you order.
It depends on the place, fast food probably not, but a high end place may suffer. If it’s one of those which haven’t changed the menu in decades it isn’t as big a deal as a more modern place looking dated.
Is that really how much it costs for a subway? If I recall you need like a million+ to do a McDonalds.
I am wondering if their marketing team has been citing it as the reason the various expensive ads/campaigns haven’t moved the needle much? “Yeah, they are seeing them but they don’t like the way the places look so they don’t order”. Might also be why there was a heavy push for app usage.
That’s entirely possible, the reason I have to ask though are some events like the comedy one. It’s like a watered down version of the GTA IV comedy clubs with no real interactive elements.
It’s not government, it’s a self-regulating agency, similar to the ESRB and MPAA. Governments though are starting to get into regulating, hence why there are requirements for disclosures and outright bans.
But cereal is a soup, and soup can be a dinner, right? Therefore he’s totes fine.
Sorry, there was static, they only heard the second half of the order.
I know it’s not the norm, but yes I can.
That’s fair but what is it with the German cars which have higher cost of ownership for those first several years which won’t be a problem going forward? Part of the argument, at least for people who hold onto their cars for a decade+, why shouldn’t they get what they want from the start rather than having to fix the…
For sure that is part of it. Another part I am now thinking of is a common one in the older publishers, when times are good for a studio and publisher, there is often less oversight, projects may get greenlit with ambitious goals. Likewise, team leadership probably also contributed to overly ambitious goals with no…
Why can’t it be both, if you swing a lot I would imagine you end up parking in a lot of unfamiliar areas and people.
If I were someone that was buying a car every 5 years or so, that makes more sense. As it’s a rare occurrence, I am going to go for brand new and have it the way I want from the start because it’s going to be mine for at least a decade. My last one was over 15 years.
That is the part that I always scratch my head about, the topic of depreciation. I am someone who buys and holds onto my car for a very long time. I don’t care that it lost 30% of the value the second I drove it off the lot, I don’t plan on selling it anytime soon.
What didn’t help was (this was a third party game) when the game did launch under another company it fell flat.
People only now are concerned about the work/life balance for Rockstar? It’s a long running joke in the industry that if you have friends that work there, you will not see them again for years until the game ships.
I have to question Fortnite though, with the additions they keep throwing out there, it genuinely feels like they are throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Which is fine if they are validated, but that gets expensive fast. Granted, Riot will spend a decade+ on a game and still not release.
Is this not similar to when people go to hospitals without insurance and get hit with the massive bills? Aside from claims of being unable to ever pay, you can try to negotiate down to the “real” price (I think it’s held in the chargemaster). The idea, from what I was told, was that that price is more or less the cost…
Technically, that is the standard practice for all loose leaf tea. Most/all are supposed to be re-steeped multiple times. Bags. teasanes, and matcha are a different story.
Usually the companies don’t like licensed IP because a decent cut has to go to the IP holder. Baulder’s was shockingly low with it sounding like it was only 10%.