this bear is tops blooby

Woo himself made what might’ve been his weirdest American production with the TV movie (and failed pilot) Blackjack, which had Dolph Lundgren as an assassin who’s afraid of the color white. (It ends with a fight at a milk-processing plant.)

Def agree, all these producer twists are unnecessary. Losing the more interesting players as a result is really annoying.

How can you not notice her name? They say it like 15 times in the movie. Along with referring to her as Major any chance they get. It's completely awkward.

You surely are a maniac with that opinion, Maniac Cop. Desk duty for you!

I wouldn't spend good money on this abortion of a movie. I saw it for like $2, and I still didn't feel like I got my money's worth.

And do you think the audience will get tired of her constantly saying her fake name, and being referred to as Major? What were name of the black team members again? (rhetorical)

Batou, imo, was the lone bright spot in this mess. The biggest problem was this was just poorly written/scripted.

Ok, I just meant the way they executed that specific part of the action seemed, to me (and I re-watched it a few times), to be too deliberate/blatant, as the shooter was aiming for the shoulder, not because they had no experience, but because the production team needed them to aim at that spot.

Not sure if this was directed at my comment. I haven't mentioned anything about her character motivations.

Thought that was the weakest part of what was a great episode and action piece. The pilot getting shot in the shoulder stuck out awkwardly, since the shooter was aiming directly at her shoulder. Seems like they could've worked that better. Then she got shot and died just so there'd be some real "weight" to the attack,

Willy! And also Martin(?). Who died. But then we got his evil twin.

No worries. Not meant it to be a dig or anything at you, just analysis of how we become who we are, on both sides of the spectrum. I don't fault anyone for having those conclusions, it's just human nature to usually not question those things since everyone is usually comfortable in their own POVs, especially when we

Martha Comes Alive!!!

A Martha sighting!!!!!!!!

He was tired cause there was no more sugar to give him energy.

Assuming it wasn't just an act, her behavior seemed so abrupt and extreme (sudden outbursts of rage) that I'd be willing to say, in my non-medical opinion, she just might be disturbed.

Was she just doing her best "Kermit Drinking Tea" meme?

Watching Debbie this episode, I went from thinking, "is she acting?" to "she actually just might be mentally disturbed".

I dunno, they have a similar look to me (only comparison pic I could find):

We should've seen the Kun Lun stuff by episode 6, that would've been a lot more interesting and helped condense a lot of the other plot into fewer episodes.