
Also, while their composition and lighting weren't always the best, I don't think the pics classify as POSes.

I thought Dan was being pretty mean to the woman; all he knows is he died, and he still has her pictures.

Dearest Lord Nudeador,

The extended editions gave the reasons Jackson decided to completely undercut Faramir as a character.
(Sam: What are we doing here [Osgiliath] Mr. Frodo?
Frodo: I don't know.
top1214: Neither do I! The author certainly never had you anywhere near here!)

Honorable Lord Viking,

Honorable Lord Viking,

It definitely helped with my wife's recovery. It was night and day. She went from "I can't hold my head up off of this table" depressed the day before ECT to this is the woman I fell in love with after.

I've heard ECT is only effective for about 2/3 of the people for whom other anti-depressants are ineffective. Thankfully, Mrs. 1214 is one of those 2/3. I know ECT has a bad rep, but it has modernized a lot, and Mrs. 1214 has really no side effects from it.

I won ringside seats to a World Wrestling Federation event, and got to announce the wrestlers into the ring from the ring itself as a kid from a local TV station. It's good to be caller 20 (amd then get chosen for the grand prize form all of the other weiners).

Yeah, Jeff Gordon is at WUSTL, but he is a basic researcher and wouldn't see any patients.

I would've thought the answer would be 2 words: ball gag

It's become quite trendy in science. Someone here at Wash U. developed mice without any bacteria in their guts. They then do experiments which are basically feeding these mice poop from other mice/people who have been eating certain things to see how diet effects what bacteria are in your gut. It seems part of

Dearest Lord Nudeador,