I really don't think it's fair to call suicide attempts or acts bullshit, even if you are within the community in question. And I don't understand why you are so adamantly opposed to people caring for the health and happiness of trans teens. The fear that these kids want to die is a pretty legitimate one. No…
It's better to be kind than to be right. And that goes double when you're wrong, Mom. So damn sad.
The Vampire Lestat's Snack*
"Love" is a verb. You can have abstract feelings of warmth or fondness toward your children, but if you're not behaving in a loving way, you're not really loving them.
Can you believe this? Kim Kardashian, daughter of Kris and wife of Kanye, has just done the unthinkable: She skipped…
The Best Gift I Ever Got:
So for most of my childhood my mother was just insanely busy with work 100% of the time, especially around Christmas, so she would usually give me cash and commission me around December to buy her Christmas presents for her and wrap them, just to take some of the stress off for the holidays. This way the only presents…
When I was a young teenager (end of middle school beginning of high school) I was obsessed with Tiffany's like most other suburban girls my age. I was desperately pining for one of those "Return To Tiffanys" necklaces, but my parents wouldn't even entertain the idea of getting me such an expensive piece of jewelery…
The holidays are a time for breaking bread with loved ones, spreading cheer and putting the Christ back in…