Garland is a moderate, but he’s not “center right.” If anything, he’s center left, with every indication being that he will join the liberal wing of the court on most social issues.
Garland is a moderate, but he’s not “center right.” If anything, he’s center left, with every indication being that he will join the liberal wing of the court on most social issues.
I find this to be really frustrating. Of course, Garland isn’t the most progressive pick; in the current political climate, where even this moderate nominee is unlikely to get a fair hearing, a more progressive candidate would especially be DOA. Obama was/is being a savvy politician by offering up a qualified…
I did stupid stuff when I was 21.
We all did dumb shit when we were 21, but we didn’t go to North Korea to do it.
I’m not sure it qualifies as victim blaming when you do something that ridiculous. The punishment obviously doesn’t fit the crime but he’s not a total innocent in this — follow the laws of the country you’re in, particularly when it’s a dictatorship with no diplomatic relations with your home country.
I know this is victim blaming, but whyyyyyyyy does anyone go to North Korea when you know that the slightest misstep can result in YEARS of imprisonment?
Apparently we do negotiate with muslim terrorists though, I’m listening to Serial and that’s how the US got Bowe Bergdahl back.
It’s pure hubris for Americans to keep going to countries like North Korea and Iran. They have to know what will happen to them but the attitude seems to be “I’m an American, I can go wherever I like and do whatever I like”. And about the U.S. secretly negotiating with North Korea, I guess we do negotiate with…
On one hand, I feel sorry for him. But on the other, I don’t.
I’m pretty sure if there is a guy always showing off a six pack on stream, he is not being called a “whore”.
How many studly, chiseled and scantily-clad male twitch streamers are required to go through 40 minutes of pre-stream makeup to even be considered worth considering to watch?
Anybody with any sort of public life probably feels pressure to look good, but this particular story is about the stigma of women on Twitch, which the streamer talks about. Moreover, the video shows that she actually sometimes puts makeup on her breasts, just FYI.
Dudes don’t normally tear dudes down for being more attractive from what I’ve seen. Maybe allegations of steroid abuse from schlubs, but the difference between like what people tweet at Stephen Amell and like Caity Lotz is a huge vast gap.
These are the same people that outlawed the phrase “climate change” in Florida and INSIST humans existed with and *domesticated dinosuars*, so in their unhinged, factless way - this pretty much follows the pattern.
I honestly don’t get it with these fucktards. They literally believe that at any second, once Breitbart comes up with a “report” that says the exact same thing for the thousandth time, a cop is going to come up and slam handcuffs on Hillary mid-speech.
Given her social, political, and financial status, the chances of her “being carted off to jail” even for the most egregious of crimes is very low.
Yup - there’s a long list of people who used personal servers - plus some of the email’s info “changed classifications” after it were received -so it’s a big convoluted mess.
As for Hilary and the “carting off”. Yeah, they were rabidly chanting that about Benghazi for *a looooong while*.
Look how that worked out for them.