The woods are a great place to be in any season. Just make sure to do a thorough tick check when you come back out (or during your time there, if you’re spending a long time).
The woods are a great place to be in any season. Just make sure to do a thorough tick check when you come back out (or during your time there, if you’re spending a long time).
Did she find this man.
Yeah, I found it illuminating that those were offended just assumed they were trying to vilify white people/culture. If there’s nothing wrong with being white, then why demand it be taken down?
Nothing about this should be controversial. Nowhere does it say white=bad, or that these things are unique to white culture, that’s an argument being made entirely by the conservatives. It serves as a reminder that even things that seem universal (e.g. planning for the future) are cultural, rather than being intrinsic…
They shouldn’t have taken shit down.
The decision by Canadian authorities to lay terror charges in the case of a deadly stabbing believed to be fuelled by a hatred of women could finally force a reckoning of the country’s definition of terrorism. The charges announced Tuesday in connection with the killing of 24-year-old Ashley Noell Arzaga at a Toronto…
she wanted to “convince America that whites, especially white males, were barbarians, and all those of a darker skin complexion were victims.”
So I think by now we know the structure of men who go on killing sprees: misogyny. I’m sure we’ll see this show up in law enforcement training, policy, manuals and the designation of misogynistic groups as terror organizations. I’ll just start my stopwatch....
Ever feel like you just walked into a family argument you didn’t know was going on?
Wanna rethink your user name? For real...!.
“Fuck it, someone has to do it.”- Black Women since forever. Thank you Maxine
1, fuck August. That piece of shit is enjoying reveling in the past. Grow the fuck up.
The chip needs to be read with a wand, it’s not a GPS just an RFID to identify it.
I hope you didn’t attempt to do so when something else was happening nearby (a traffic jam? a little league game? a sunset?) and make it all about you.
I was honestly expecting something like a literal announcement by them at the protest given the headline. They were just there together. Come on, Justice.
I don’t get the first story in this article. Like the headline is mad that they’re taking attention away from a BLM protest because of something that isn’t even confirmed? So in frustration over 2 people that are getting more attention from the media than a protest you’re going to.... write an article about the 2…
It’s gonna be real weird for all my friends who have ever put their arms around me to learn that we are now in a relationship that we have publicly debuted.
Seriously? It’s not like they held a press conference - they were simply living their lives/affectionate towards each other in public - which I’ve seen many non famous folks do at protests. How are we to know if it’s they’re “debut” out together, or the first time ppl noticed? We’re angry if celebrities are silent,…
Ahh yes, the President of people who don’t understand
One of these days he’s just going to drop the n-bomb on live TV. It’s coming soon, I know it.