
This was shockingly uplifting news.

I hope that the Evolution guys get started on bringing some arcade racing to Codemasters’ repertoire. Driveclub had the right amount of arcade and simulation for me, and Motorstorm was just a blast.

Big congratz to Evolution and Codemasters. I can’t wait to see them do big things!

In all seriousness, I really freaking love, how the starter-Pokémon inRed/Blue acts, as a hidden difficulty select screen.

To be fair though, Twitch has a kind of community that YouTube gaming have yet to build, and maybe they simply can’t.

I know the Twitch chat can be absolutely terrible (like everything on the internet) but once you get 5, 50, 500 or 5000 like-minded nerds together, all in on the same jokes with the same kind of humor,

Yeah, Gametrailers put Sonic on a “10 franchises that should die” list or something, saying he hasn’t had a good game in years, and the Sonic twitter just linked to the publications positive review of Sonic Generations.

Similarly, Jim Sterling wanted in on the joke, asking something to the effect of “I thought I was

As I was watching this, I could constantly hear Hans Gruber frustratingly yell about, how hard it could possibly be to take out one guy.

I would actually love to see a developer of more mainstream games (like Blizzard, Naughty Dog, Valve) tackle the fighting genre, just to see if it would gain any more traction.

I mean, Nintendo could do with it Smash Bros., so maybe other devs could strike gold too.

Yeah, okay, touché.
I wish they’d make a new one then. With Tracer in it. In fact, put Tracer in everything.

Seriously though, if Blizzard ever made a 2D fighting game, I would be all over that like flies on a turd.

Wow... Respect to Rebellion. That’s extremely solid of them.

I actually played this in co-op for a handfuld of years, but my partner was terrible. All she did was sit around and camp while I did most of the work.

I stopped playing with her when she found someone else to play with. So now, I’m playing single player, and it’s the saddest story I’ve ever experienced.


Now playing

I’m gonna leave this here, and hope that some people get inspired.

I dunno man. I’ve worked as a public service worker, and all we did was sweep the sidewalk, throw out trash and rip up unwanted weed in public flower beds.

I can’t imagine that being harder than the nervous breakdowns of E3 that Patricia and the rest of the gang endure on a yearly basis.

...Now I’m convinced that this is self-referential humor, and there is SOME article on Kotaku where you quote yourself, and I’m gonna find it.

I’m on to you, Totilo.

Maybe that’s the sub-plot of Man of Steel II.
“Actually dear, it’s about ethics of local Metropolis journalism!”

Exactly. Seth Killian, the guy who’s making Rising Thunder, actually talked a lot about people just not being able to get it. Like at tradeshows, where game journalists who’s played games presumably their entire lives, was unable to reliably getting fireballs out when trying Street Fighter IV. Even hardened gamers

I would love to welcome a fresh face into our community. You can sign up for Rising Thunder’s technical alpha on it’s website, and it goes relatively fast with getting in. I got in 2 days after the alpha went live.

That said, learning the inputs is, sadly, only the entry-fee of fighting

Are we talking about Pokkén? If so, it has some similarities to Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen, but it’s closer to CyberConnect2’s Naruto Ultimate Ninja series.

Just about every self-respecting fighting game have had that dynamic, yes.
However, most fighting games allows you to attack from various angles. So even if your opponent is blocking (say, high) then you can still land a normal attack by going low. Pokken doesn’t afford you that luxury, as blocking will literally block

> Boots up Steam.
> Library.
> Scrolls down to W.

I’m about 14 hours into the Witcher... The first one. At this pace, I’m never getting to 2 or 3...