I prefer my bamboo sheets... they are awesome, so soft, breath and doesn't keep ANY smell at all and are antibacterial
I prefer my bamboo sheets... they are awesome, so soft, breath and doesn't keep ANY smell at all and are antibacterial
I prefer my bamboo sheets... they are awesome, so soft, breath and doesn't keep ANY smell at all and are antibacterial
While I agree that this is a lot of money spent for only one... I think it is still important for dangerous people like these... If we just let them get away with it, more people will do it... That's just how we think.
I know its been a week but do you remember what was that study? I tried to google it without success... thanks
:\ only toke me 20 minutes to read this article and write this comment
It seems to be a new gawker media trend... happens a lot :\
Nice, thanks for you research! Makes the article more interesting
Nice, thanks for you research, makes the article more interesting
nice catch... but that cant be very safe when its raining :\
I heard that the first time too but he really said deploy to App World
I divorced and my ex wife kept the tv... I didnt bother buying one since I realized that I dont miss it at all, but I bought a nice tv stand before realizing that :\
Lol this video is awesome, I tried that once too... I was also trying to bark a second time, my brain didnt let me
I was fine except for the tetris part... I had a nausea like feeling
hm... avg freaked out, deleted it and made me reboot... its now gone...
I did 3:35 ... I have to do something else now to remove this terrible "music" of the beginning from my head
Well I knew that. I didnt forget about our State Canada, never been though because I dont speak Canadian
Did it a few years ago too, definitely recomended! But I would like to be base jumping my next step
I'd like to learn more about it too... but I had to go on another site
and Turkey is a country?