
jesus christ give it a rest.

yeah,your right we should ban this kind of speech, it's the only way!

I'm sure the local pizza hut would miss her.

you guys are so pathetic..getting all riled up because of a single word.

fuck steam with it's indie bullshit.

tumblr autist detetcted.

you mean like how femnazis treat white cis males?
everything I say is invalid too...cuz I'm a white cis male.

oh fuck off.

why do some people feel so fucking entitled?

in other news America has a obesity problem

Serious question.

do you what random character generation means?

are you for real?

don't watch the damn show if it bothers you.

jezebel is that way you SJW twat.

so killing white people is okay in a video game, but killing black people isn't?

my bad then...reading comprehension ftw!

do you have some evidence to back up the mental illness claim?

it's almost like this one of those fake Patricia articles...but it's real.

e-sports is fucking dumb.