well said.
well said.
tell us how you really feel lol.
My dad took me to see Jurassic Park when I was 4 I was mortally afraid and cried so hard I remember he had to walk me out of the Theater...
Fascist much?
What you are proposing would take generations to work out.
"ok me and Anna are sitting on the comfy couch....ehh and you can sit here,looking like a dork"
I don't even know what to say...
I wouldn't want anyone as friend on Fb if they posted this shit on my feed.
U think the trailer is hilarious,am I a bad person?
So if anyone ever had problems with an Airline like S.W either to a mixup or the person at the Checkout Counter just being incomptent like so many Airlines employees are.
Correlation does not imply causation
you got anything to back that up?
you gotta remember the movie was participialy inspired by doomed expeditions that took place during the latter half of the 18th Century
did you really have to bring that kind of drivel in to this?
uhhh the whole we don't act any different line doesn't always apply....
I don't really agree with him...but he makes interesting points nonetheless.
If Kotaku released an article every time a Mexican in the U.S caused trouble or a Turk in Germany beat the snot out of some Guy....that's
I see what your saying and I agree people should get called out on the stupid thing they say...but try to shut them up.
If you think "hate speech" should be illegal you might wanna move to the UK you'd fit right in.