That mean’s a new cover photo for these articles is only a few months away!
That mean’s a new cover photo for these articles is only a few months away!
Numbers don’t lie.
When she says ‘kingdoms’ does she mean kingdoms in the medieval sense? Or is there another meaning I’m not familiar with?
No, you’re not. So shut it and let them post.
Huh, 2017 not so bad. Looking pretty good.
Can they please bring The Boondocks back?
I haven’t read many articles but I have watched some of his videos. Here’s him talking about Leslie Jones and gamergate. Doesn’t sound so bad. Also, I went in with an open mind and the new Ghostbusters wasn’t good.
If there’s so much evidence lets see it. I’m from Missouri. So show me.
Meh.....get counseling. Also, document all the instances of harassment. I’d like to see them. Too many times people say they get threats and don’t show the proof.
Ok. I watched it. Uncomfortable with him using the picture. Also uncomfortable with that person using the women’s locker room. Milo was right, she’s not even trying to pass as female.
Ahhhh, so you’d didn’t actually see it. What article did you read about it? I haven’t been able to find a video of what you describe.
Do you have a video of the UW Milwaukee thing. I’d like to watch it. Get my blood pumping before I hit the gym.
I want to see the rape and death threats. I assume there’s video, recordings or screenshots.
Hahaha, you were talking tough until you got called out. Tucked tail really fast.
From what I hear he loves sucking. Plus, the publicity he gets from this will be 10x what if would have been if the event went off.
No one is afraid of your internet tough guy act.
Milo’s going to have a field day with this. Goint to youtube now to look for videos. Any suggestions?
I’ll fuck her. With her consent, of course. But your ass owes me one. Ok, we’re even if you get her to come in her Gamora costume.
Zoe doesn’t capture the whole picture. Then again, she’s not wrong.