
Do you have a particular line of reasoning for that? There are only 2 birthdays mentioned in the Bible, and neither of them are celebrated by worshipers of God.

In the case of Jehovah's Witnesses accepting free things, it would be up to the individual.

I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and although I'm Christian, I don't celebrate Christmas.

I'm interested in .h2645 but my WDTV LiveHub won't play those files.

I'm not worried. Amazon already treats me that way, Google knows what books I'm searching for, and Facebook knows what books I'm talking about.

This is an absolutely genius idea. Kudos to the people who made this happen.

I agree and totally see where you're going with this.

I have Canon 310HS that I love because it's simple but I can also do interval using CHDK to make time-lapses.

What happened? I'd love to know.

What phones still have FM radios? When I got my S3 a couple of years ago, I was really disappointed that it didn't have one. Neither does my S4.

Sounds like the good opening chapter of your book. Let's talk more.

I really wish Tweetdeck for mobile was still operational. I loved that app.

If only I could take my exported Google Voice history from Takeout and import to Hangouts!

What's annoying about that is once you migrate to Google Hangouts, now you have voicemails in 2 different places. You can't transfer your texts and voicemails into the new service. So annoying.

What about the Airport Express?!?

Definitely reminds me of the Stanley Theater in Jersey City. It's a wonderfully restored building, well taken care of, and now updated for regular usage.

If the Brooklyn theater kept the original chairs, I'll tell you that based on my experience at the Stanley Theater, people were a lot smaller back then.

Here's a great

Wow that was super awkward. I had no idea listening to this song as a kid but I read it in a book recently and was kind of shocked.

Great book. I read this a few years ago, and although I was already doing a lot of it, the information on the Roth IRA and compound interest blew my mind.

Great idea. I've been saying Social needs this for a long time. Half the people I've connected with on Twitter, I can't remember why I'm following them a couple of weeks later.

I will check it out. Thank you Todd.

I still really miss Tweetdeck for Android. All the other ones pale in comparison.