
Walt only sticks around, I think, because he can't stand to lose power. Forcing her to stay in the same house and bed as him, despite her complete hatred of him, gives him a feeling of power. I agree, though, if I was Walt, among the many differences I'd have with him, I would not stay and just let the kids move home

Walt only sticks around, I think, because he can't stand to lose power. Forcing her to stay in the same house and bed as him, despite her complete hatred of him, gives him a feeling of power. I agree, though, if I was Walt, among the many differences I'd have with him, I would not stay and just let the kids move home

This show still sucks.

I didn't realize that this was being seen as playing the "victim card." I didn't read the article this way, if that's how you see it, I can't argue with you. I just read it as saying that saying the show is bad simply because it has a white cast is a rather superficial criticism because it wouldn't automatically make

I hope you do find me just as I die and make these comments, since that's totally a reasonable thing to do and exactly like what the writer is doing in this article. 

I think the point, if there was one, was that white people shouldn't complain about the criticism of Girls as being too white simply because it's not as bad as slavery.  So, the analogy is not false or inapt.  If we should only complain about something if it is worse than everything else, as the commenter seems to be

I would posit that those commenters are being mostly untruthful or simply are not a true reflection of the world generally.  Regardless, why do you think shows like Girls are "highlighting extant segregation"?  The only people highlighting anything are the people asking why they aren't black.  I just don't see why a

Yeah, you're right, he's totally trying to say that criticism of Girls is worse than slavery.  Two things can both be wrong without it being made into a false competition.  Should Jews not complain about the Holocaust?  Should Blacks not complain about slavery?  Which is worse so we can decide which group to silence? 

I don't understand why Girls is being faulted for showing a lack
of sympathy or interest in non-white girls or males.  It's not about
non-white girls or males.  The show is attempting to be realistic and, as someone living in NYC, I think it is succeeding. 
Yes, the city is very diverse, but the truth is that similar

So you like this show and hate It's Always Sunny, which, if not the best, is one of the top five comedies on television.  Thanks for letting me know how poor a critic of comedies you are so that I don't have to waste any more time reading your drivel.

Cool story, bro!

Good call, bro.  Zimmerman turned himself in, so, just about exactly as you predicted it would go down. 

I must be missing something.  I thought this show really sucked.  I didn't laugh once and I was high the whole time.  Not a good sign for a sitcom.

No mention of the calling out of Anderson Cooper?  Yeah, unmemorable, but I thought that was pretty uncalled for.  Just like Ryan Murphy's fight with the Foo Fighters, Murphy is so fucking egotistical that he thinks he should be able to impose his will on everyone else.  If a musician doesn't want his songs covered by

"Elizabeth Lemon-Trebek."  Come on, that was pretty funny and made the episode pretty much worth it for me.

"Jeff, the guy who didn’t care if people liked him back when the show began (because all he cared about was if people liked him)"

I think Abu Nazir would prefer having a man like Brody next to the President and possibly on the defense committee in Congress (taking the position vacated by Dick Johnson) to provide him with inside information and to act as a double agent so that Nazir can pull off even bigger schemes and succeed in battles overseas.