
What they should be doing , I think, is not trying to emulate the iPad's attempt at being everything. I think at its core, like the Zune, should be a kick-ass multimedia experience.

oh. Well then they never existed. Hey, lets all play Scrabble on our iPads!

Silly Cyriaque, you can't actually read Spawn.

Heh, SysAdmins? Man, fuck those g

stop me if I'm putting a wet blanket on all this, but what's stopping Sprint and HTC from gutting Froyo of all those extra little features you guys have been waiting for? We know Srint doesn't want you tethering without shelling out a couple more bucks, and I'm sure HTC wants to keep you on Sense, so bye bye UI

hey, as long as someone makes that LED backlit hoodie Flynn was rocking in the trailer, I'm good.

So when is Gizmodo going to review the Samsung Vibrant? None of the other major tech sites seem to have it yet either. What's going on?

I can't wait to get a taste of Schiff in my mouth..mmmm..krill oil.

that just Inceptioned my mind

Old Man Gizmodo was posting: "Come on, come on, everyone."

wow Gizmodopot, that's a heavy blackusation to level against Consumer Kettle.

@Ldubbz: That's the problem, it IS bloatware. Bloatware isn't always runaway. Bloatware is software or applications that come PREBUNDLED with the hardware that may or may not to the experience. This includes custom widgets and trialware. Both on the droid x and other android phones.

@Ldubbz: "Is it THAT hard to just remove the widgets or not use them?"

worse than those damn bookaholics!

@BobTheCool: sure they do. Black ROBOTS don't,

i bet under x-ray this all looks like bomb making equipment. Not only that, what about the liquid limit?

god did it. I'm thinkin Thor or the one with the wiggly things on his face.