
Hey now we don’t know the full story here. The drive thru worker was probably really stoned too and messed up the order and the driver wasn’t having that. At least that’s about 50% of my drive thru experiences.


I’m a piece of shit and it ain’t hard to fucking tell. All you special snowflakes can go to fucking hell.

Holy crap a high def video on jalopnik! This must be what the future looks like

I would consider myself pretty nerdy. I got thee book free in a lootcrate. I read the first 2 chapters and then threw it away along with the rest of the lootcrate crap.

Neither of the embedded videos seem to play for me

So does this game have a thriving speedrun community?

Yeah but Sean Bean hasn’t died yet in civ 6. So that’s something.

You want to trade pogs with me later?

Vermintide 2 beta just came out. release date is soon i think

Reported for hax

My own story of gaming in highschool. I partitioned my ipod and installed quake 2 on it. Then I just needed to plug the ipod in and put the CD in. Played plenty in my computer networking class. Other classmates actually paid attention though and were able to hack the server where the teacher kept midtown madness 2 but

I’ve skied behind a car on a lake before. It’s a crazy good hamstring workout compared to traditional downhill. The fishing holes were the scariest part.

I still got my S3. I don’t really want to upgrade but I just spilled coffee on it last week and the screen finally cracked. Does it have a head phone jack? That’s the only thing I really care about.

When I tailgate the waymo cars the taillights start flashing and put on a little strobe show. It’s obvious they want me to test how close I can tailgate because it’s so pretty.

Windshield wipers always turn on when I use my turn signal. When the blades get frozen to the glass they tear off and then I got metal scraping against my windshield and leaves a nice scratch.

Looks good! Finally get rid of those atrocious boxy fender flares. They are as off putting as car wings from the 50's

Ugh the tercel. I remember getting stuck behind tercels for a freeway entrance and I would usually try to give them a 30 second head start. But then people behind me would start honking and I would catch up to them and try to merge at 30mph. Glad I don’t see those any more but Priuses are almost as bad.

I love manuals! But I will probably never buy a car with less than 100k miles on it. What can I do to help?

I always break out And Yet It Moves when I’m too high to play anything else. What do you recommend?