
Whoah spoiler alert. I just started watching Voyager on netflix

I have lots of student loans and I have promised myself I will never take out another loan. I have never had a credit card so my credit score is probably pretty low. Do I really need to care about my credit?

I get that reference. Thanks Nick at Night.

I got into this beta the same day I tried out Solforge. It’s still in beta so it has a long way to go but Solforge is leauges ahead of Elders Scrolls Legends at the moment. The really need to add some more cards.

I spent most of my youthful roadtrips hiding from my brothers under the bed in my dad’s conversion van. My dad was a cop too, didn’t give a crap.

Will my Dreamcast be able to sit on top of it?

Where’s the kraut?

They both look terrible. I’ll just replay Muramasa to fill my platformer needs

Sounds more like the Seinfeld theme

I moved from Minnesota to Arizona 3 years ago. Heat stroke is better than frostbite as long as you don’t die I guess.

My first try with Photoshop!

My issue with the episode is when Ramsay shoots wun-wun in the face. Why didn’t he just shoot Jon right there?

When I was a kid my Dad’s 1990 Chevy conversion van was stolen. He had it parked in the yard unlocked with the keys in it for years. The transmission was shot and would not shift out of first gear.

Specifically the Band of Gypsys album. Machine Gun gets super intense. Or so I’ve heard...

it probably would’ve been the most dangerous ride ever constructed

It’s the girl Maybe from Arrested Development. At least that what I got from that top picture.

Found this in Doom. 3 valves and a wrench. Coincidence?