Remember that one Oscar’s where they lynched someone?
Remember that one Oscar’s where they lynched someone?
“Paul Ryan hasn’t done anything!”
These idiots almost make me want to invent a new word for them so the word “Nazi” isn’t sullied.
Imagine how sad of a person you have to be to leave a Yelp review in the name of MAGA.
Because inbreeding only works for so long...after awhile, you’ve banged all the branches of the family tree.
You know what’s funny about this? Everything.
Why don’t these pieces trash just date each other?
All lives matter, except for the brown kids in the cages and the dead black kids.
Not Steve Doocy is a barely functioning ignoramus.
I’ll say it again: no comfort. Attack these people everywhere they go. These Starbucks slurping Wal-Mart grifters need to know FEAR. Real fear - not just they’re overactive amygdalas
Hey, if the pro-forced birthers thinks harassing women entering seeking a medical abortion is protecting fetal rights (over the woman’s rights), surely harassing the director of a gub’mint child trafficking scheme by protesting violations of rights of living, breathing children should be no problem.
Preemptively posting a giant FUCK YOU to anyone who criticizes this action.
Hint: Trump’s base eats this shit up and doesn’t hold him accountable for when he lies.
Oh, great. Now the new meme I’m going to have to disabuse my in-laws of is “All you have to do is say ‘Asylum’ and you get a green card, welfare, free health care and an Obamaphone, and then the DNC will bus you straight to the polls to vote!”
Actores de crisis!
Not that this fuck shouldn’t be harassed to the point he’s afraid to leave the house — better yet, the point he’s afraid no matter where he is — but I guarantee you Miller took “fascist” as a compliment.
More like this.
You’re mistaken. The guy at the center of their religion is Trump, and Trump says real (aka white Christian) Americans have been forgotten because Obama was both non-white and Muslim