
Telling people is one thing, but it was completely inappropriate of her to have released actual footage of the li’l tyke in the act.

Republicans breaking the law? Say it ain’t so. Deport them all. I don’t know where Republicia is, but once they’re in international waters they can figure it out from there.

Gross. I like to think the Obamas have better taste than that. There’s no shortage of Eurotrash in the world, many of whom know how to apply eye makeup better than this savage.

Neither do Southern Slavs. We’re kind of famous for our Europe-conflagrating grudges. White supremacists seem to forget this in their fairy-tale histories where every white is Isaac Newton, James Watt, and Friedrich Nietzsche rolled into one.

Kenya?! Otherwise known as ground zero for the production of Muslim Brotherhood, Fist-Bumping, Jade Helming, ‘You Can Keep Your Doctor’ Lying Anti-Colonialists? Replicant or Delta Force Team Leader, infiltrating the very belly of the beast?

All the way back in the 90s I went to university with an asshole who spent more time crying that the Leftist Political Correctness Police were Stalining conservatives like him with IngSoc than he did in class. His name is Ezra Levant, but you’ve surely never heard of him because he was obviously sent to the Gulag by

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Oh for sure, that’s entirely possible and very likely. Their reactions are necessary for the reveal later in the scene, so they could very well just be distressed at the complexity or difficulty of solving the equation. but Raj’s comment about it looking like something out of Roswell tips it towards the Don’t

True, but I maintain they lose nerd points for being physicists and not recognizing a Feynman diagram. That’s like being a PhD in evolutionary biology and not knowing the significance of the Sandwalk.

My editing window has passed, but I didn’t mean to come across so savagely towards geeks. Nothing wrong with being passionate about your personal interests. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to make fun of Jalopnik commenters.

I love the support it has received from Geek and Nerd community, but I became so sad when I saw just what the creators did to the show, which I suppose makes me as bad as those who want to be gatekeepers to the nerd community.

I quit watching after seeing the Physics Bowl episode in which the main characters all freaked out in terror at the sight of a Feynman diagram. What physicist wouldn’t recognize a Feynman diagram?
These people aren’t nerds; they’re geeks. I can find “Han Shot First” debates on practically every single internet

To be fair, Trump isn’t the only person to think 3,000 American deaths is a success.

So pro baseball players catch bugs from Chipotle just like us.

There’s a guy I see sometimes around my neighbourhood with a confederate flag vanity license plate on his truck. He might just be celebrating his ‘heritage’ though. There were obviously a lot of cotton plantations up here, ~350 miles north of the US-Canada border.

Well, if you know of another way to show one’s dedication to freedom and liberty than forcing others to chant on cue via threats of physical violence, I’d like to hear it.

Sorry to be that guy, but I think your summary needs a light edit:

NRA’s got guns and Ollie North, but no money? What’s the problem? Did the little traitor and Republican hero forget how to speak Farsi?

I would mind less if the media didn’t then turn around and tell us we have to respect these inbreds and the ‘deeply held beliefs’ they just picked up from Roseanne’s Twitter (brought to you by Ambien™) and Alex Jones’ Tooth-Filling Broadcast (brought to you by too many adulterated stimulants to list).

What? Because I think Obama was a pussy for “leading from behind”? Or that his race-based policies were condescending and counter-productive?

I’ll demur on analysis or critique of your “logic”gymnastics