Tony Macaroni

Well, that's the same trick they played on my great-grandfather when he tried to immigrate for the first time back in 1921.

Oh hai, dystopian future!

Oh yeah Yaphett Kotto is the great underrated Bond villain and for most of the film he outsmarts Bond at every end.

I love The Spy Who Loved Me also because it's pure 70s, right down to the funky disco Bond 77 theme in the opening scene.

Yeah my dad is in his late 60s, that's really the demo for talking up Bullitt.

Fourty percent sounds a little high to be honest.

No, if you want to see real killers I suggest Jerry Lee Lewis and his Great Boats of Fire cruise.

Vietnam? It sounds more like a darker Grenada…

Poor snowflake…

Russia references, huh? Yeah, that's not ironic…

At 6am it'd be dark in DC at that time of year, the sunrise is closer to 7:30.

Oh sure let's point out issues with Nazis in one sub-genre of metal but ignore the issues with musical genres like Nazi Dixieland jazz, Nazi progressive bluegrass, and Nazi samba/bossa nova.

There are too many metal sub-genres these days. Please eliminate three.

I set those pins up and was glad you came by to knock them down.

This is the same trick they pulled on Men at Work to get them out of the US after they tried to play a few side gigs after the US Festival in 1983.

I'm gonna make a change…to that horribly garish ranch.

You know who does a mean Trump impersonation, that Rich Little, that's who…

Anything Jimmy Bufett/Margaritaville-themed in much of Florida is redundant at this point.

He needs your clothes, your boots and a new TV show.

I used that line at home every time I get chewed out for breaking a wine glass.