Tony Macaroni

low-hanging fruit of music based humor

I like Caribou.

I'm sure Seven Mary Three is happy for any publicity whatsoever these days to promote their latest gig headlining at the Tick Tock Inn.

You'll just have to pay extra for a standard Les Paul.

Best Guitar Center Ad Masquerading As An Album

Mike Love seems about right for this shindig.

That shot of the nail in the foot is worthy of Saw or something…it's gruesome for what was considered the fun family hit of 1990.

Yeah, but a Hillary presidency could've been just as bad if not worse than Trump…at least that's what angry Jill Stein supporters told me last summer.

Sorry, we can't get Larry the Cable Guy playing Spoon, would you settle for Jeff Foxworthy playing Wilco?

He didn't just inherit money, his dad constantly bailed him out when his business ventures failed well into the 1990s.

Just like how John Kerry, who was a Vietnam veteran who actually saw plenty of combat was marked as some rich, elitist coward, while George W. Bush who spent the war a rich kid hanging out in Texas was considered some tough cowboy patriot.

Yeah, Spiderman and Freeze in full effect
You ready, Ron?

I'm not flying on a plane sitting across from Pew DiePie, no way…

You can probably read English right? So you might notice the lack of the word "all" in my post.

No, it was that mysterious Delusional Girl who has been seen in Gotham City lately.

This could or could not be completely staged, though racist old white people are always going to play their parts perfectly in this sort of scenario so it's pretty easy to set up.

I yam what I yam.

Only a liberal would say that.

Hey, your name isn't Paul at all!

And that singing guy from Rocky was played by, you guessed it…James Brown.