Tony Macaroni

And then there's this one…who claimed that Obama was an evil autocrat, but we need Trump to come in to be an authoritarian ruler to save the country. When can Maine get rid of LePage?

Every new superhero franchise/reboot should just have an opening rap song that explains the origin story.

Bro Hymn the Clown

Oh no, why would they mess with Norm! He's such a nice guy.

Get off your high horse.

In the inner cities? You mean like hipsters and yuppies?

"I put this crew together because you're the only group that can steal that helicopter. And the plan to steal that helicopter involves us using helicopters also. But first we have to get past the guard helicopters."

So Trump is blaming hip-hop for his behavior?

Call me when an old Jewish comedian starts doing it…wait, Rodney Dangerfield? In 1983? Okay, I'm sold.

"Here's your long lost cousin, Barb Stark."

He had noted hip hoppers in attendance like Jay-Z, Chris Rock, Charles Barkley, Steve Harvey, and Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.

When someone takes a trip to a sexy dragon brothel.

Ser Pounce is coming back?

Samsung should just play this up and have a Galaxy commercial featuring The Crazy World of Arthur Brown's 1968 hit song "Fire".

Oh, about 120 pounds.

We used to risk third degree burns from just picking up a scalding hot cup of McDonalds coffee. Now it's just lukewarm swill, nothing has any edge anymore at all!

"A sphincter has got to know it's limitations."

Clint Eastwood's latest film in his Profiles in Heroism (from news stories you sort of remember from a few years back) series.

"You're off your relief case chief!"

"C'mon Lee, nobody really cares about westerns any more, but a musical western…we'll be swimming in cash!"