Tony Kaye ⌨

I've had worse reactions poking myself in the eye. Looks like that might be what happened.

Orpik isn't as big a "cheap shot artist" as Cooke is. And Cooke has been less of a fucker since moving to Minnesota. I've just about had enough of your Vassar bashing!

Did anyone else see one of the Pens players get tackled jumping for the puck at the other end of the ice right before the Wings scored? Complete horseshit officiating.

It truly was! Debby Herbenick really came through with some solid research. She's a sexual health educator at The Kinsey Institute.

Yep it blocks Evasi0n 100%

OK so I work for The Wirecutter, BUT I am not here as an employee, strictly as a commenter, and this is on-topic and relevant!

Actually Vanek is something more like $6.1 mil because the Islanders have to absorb some of that but I understand what you mean.

Just a diehard Wild & Gopher hockey fan. Give me Vanek over Kesler any day.

"Ryan Kesler is the league's most prized target right now"

Theres' a 'Sock It 2 Me' joke in here somewhere..

What did he use for NWA? WMA?

They really can't defend themselves thusly with this ad at the 2 minute mark. Douchebags.

I miss Boogaard :(

I believe yes, if she were to travel abroad, Italy would flag her passport and she /could/ be dragged back. If she's convicted, I don't see her traveling out of the US for the rest of her life.


Good question. Bring it in



I heard Borax works good.

Ashy Larry!