Tony Kaye ⌨

Yeah they went downhill after they got the iPhone. Super cocky. I mean, for years if you wanted the had to go to AT&T. Now that it's not the case, they still like to be douchey, but they've loosened up a bit. A few times I've had some great customer service reps. Just few and far between.

Eh, I use an iPhone. But I will admit the thought of transferring my Google Voice number to a Nexus phone has crossed my mind and this would mesh well with it.

I like that idea. Thanks!

I would agree. I wish Apple would open up iMessage for others to use. Really useful feature, like text messaging on steroids that had a baby with AIM. And FaceTime voice calls would be super nice.

Yeah, but it's a BlackBerry. No offense, but they're just terrible. And a Playbook is about as useful as a Touchpad. Also, Playbook =/= Desktop OS.

Yeah, but the clients suck. I used Fluid to create an app but that didn't work so well. VoiceMac sucks too. And having to use Gmail to make a phone call? Lame. Also, I want to be able to use my phones actual number, not my Google Voice number.

The service is/has been awful with the iPhone. My iPhone 5 fights back and forth between '4G' and LTE all day long. It's a mess. However, I have a hard time believing it's the phone as many other people on the network (Android & iPhone alike) have the same issue.

The guy on the phone said 'well you already received the intro rate for 6 months, how about we give you another 6 months to complete it'. I said no dice, and negotiated to lock it in. I plan to do what you did and keep on getting the intro rate for as long as possible.

But would you not agree that it looks out of place?

I was thinking more along the lines of faked - not just w/ Photoshop, but a fake device + PS.

I wonder if that's something Apple actually does. Seems a bit fake, plus so early in the iPad 3's lifetime.

Agreed. Oh so much agreement. I really wish there were a desktop client for phone calls/text messages when using a smartphone these days. Or any phone for that matter. Something provided by the carrier, an application that allows you to use your phone number for everything via your computer. The only thing that would

What do you mean?

What's up with the square around the Apple logo? Looks a bit strange to me.

Very well put. Thanks for clarifying that.

Well we had some issues similar to that, but when I called in I spoke with someone at a local Comcast office. He was some type of regional manager & gave me his direct line and said 'if anything pops up, you call me and I'll fix it'. Maybe we were lucky, but for what it's worth they did do everything necessary to

I've learned something recently with Comcast. Use all the bad experiences you've had against them. Take all the times someone was shitty, service was out, etc - call in and escalate it as high as you can and let your grievances fly. Chances are you'll get some free shit out of it. I'm locked in at a year with tons of

AT&T gets the bad rep (imo) from being the exclusive iPhone carrier for like 5 years and tons of people upset with the service, customer support, and how they thought they could be dicks about everything because they had the iPhone. That's why I hate them. Now they're back to being sweetie pies on the phone with me

Holy shit that was actually really good.

At my local Apple Stores , they have no cases, no screen protectors, cables or adapters. Shit, they don't even have iPhone 5's - unless you count Sprint iPhone 5's because nobody wants the garbage network iPhone 5.