In American court. He lost his other case in Britain which his fans like to ignore, cuz America has the most trustworthy court system apparently.
In American court. He lost his other case in Britain which his fans like to ignore, cuz America has the most trustworthy court system apparently.
Both things can be true: the court system failed to convict Johnny Depp because Amber Heard wasn't pure and virginal enough, and Johnny Depp is an abusive piece of shit.
Come on Depp apologists, come on and make your comments. You’re totally not just misogynists, you’re fighting for a valiant cause, like a knight in the crusades or a WW2 fighter pilot.
I know it’s the Internet so this is the way its supposed to be but this article is weirdly hostile to a show that the author mentions not having seen.
IMHO, the show became much better as Sheldon was just another one of the cast and not the center of the show. He’s best at being the person the rest of them are reacting at various times than to be the main subject. The rest of the cast is more than able to keep it going without him.
Seems weird to make an article about a show where you’re baffled about the show’s popularity and also apparently have never watched the show
It’s a pretty solid family sitcom. It’s not rocket science, Hughes. I guess you weren’t born when Malcolm in the Middle was popular?
I find Young Sheldon to be good dinner tv in that it is not something you pay attention to, it is not disgusting with puke or fart gags, it usually has a two or three chuckle or laugh moments. Is it a good show, no but it is a decent one with strong cast of actors.
I never watched BBT outside of the random episode and so had zero interest in Young Sheldon, but one of my kids somehow got onto it so I’ve probably seen 10 episodes now and damn if it isn’t funny as hell. May be the Annie Potts, though, even playing a grandmother.
Is “A-” code for “this was paid for”?
Is this sponsored content?
I see what you’re saying—I guess I wish that Biden would be clearer and more forceful in his support, and not leave the rest of us to give him the benefit of the doubt and figure out what he’s really signaling. “Abortion on demand” is such poor phrasing, imo.
One can be pro-choice and think that third trimester abortions should be rare and limited to cases where either the fetus is nonviable and/or the mother’s health is at severe risk.
That’s not what he said. He said he was against abortion on demand. And even if that is what he said, those are bullshit Republican talking points, not real things. Why are so many people around here so eager to give such a powerful man who has a lengthy history of being against abortion rights and acting in his…
Jesus Fucking Christ.
I guess I’m wondering how “abortion is bad actually and I’m opposed to it” is supposed to convince all that many people to support the pro-abortion party.
I guess I’m not so willing to give a guy who lost every presidential primary he entered, except the one he was losing until the entire establishment panicked and rallied by him, and who is trailing fucking Donald Trump in the polls at this moment, the benefit of the doubt that he knows exactly what he’s doing here.
What is the alternative to abortion on demand? Why does he feel the need to keep letting everyone know how personally he is against abortion?
Oscar so white is now Audience So White.... & Cis.