
As soon as I see “Roguelike”, “Survival”, “Crafting”, “MMO”, “Multiplayer-only” or “MOBA”, I don’t even read the rest of the description.

MOBA is heading up to the top of the “adjectives I hate in my game descriptions” list, right there with open world, sand box, survival, and crafting.

Undertale fans are like Stephen Universe fans. I know the thing they are championing is probably really good and something I would enjoy, but they are so obnoxious that I can’t bring myself to checking out the thing they go on and on about.

“I’ve already angered comic book nerds, sports parents, and Republicans. Maybe I’ll go piss in Kotaku’s cereal.”

I learned how to be a hero to save the land by playing RPG’s! Now I randomly walk into peoples homes and take all their stuff to sell. That way I can buy a new sword just like Link! Thank God for Skyrim though it taught me I need to seek out the mysterious man in dark places to avoid trouble with my heroic gains.

A) “Tactical Assault Commander” lol

I hope, dearly, that nobody goes to your funeral besides family. because you don’t sound like a person whos worth remembering.

Now get out.

Are you being serious right now?

“Some corporate guy trying to make money from cheaply made games.” Wow, that just goes to show how ignorant you are.

Iwata cut his own income just to pay the employees and to make sure that the company didn’t have to lay anyone off from lack of funds due to the difficult release of the

OK, when I started reading your comments, I actually thought you were making a valid argument and was genuinely concerned for the privacy of his family. But now, I see this for what it is.

In every Iwata thread there has been one of you guys trying to shit all over this man’s death and shit all over his fans. Not taking into account that yes, he actually did touch millions of lives over the course of decades whether you choose to believe it or not, and I for one am getting damn sick of it. If he didn’t

“In my mind he will just be some corporate guy trying to make money from cheaply made games.”

You don’t have to know someone to be able to attend their funeral an pay respects. Who are you to say how a funeral should be run? Lots of people didn’t know Robin Williams yet he still touched our lives; the same goes for Freddy Mercury of Queen and many many more artists, actors, creators in our lifetimes.

And so

God damn it I hate the internet sometimes

Hey, some people whom he may have not met do care who he was.

Offensive? To pay respects? ffs

How is it offensive? This was specifically for people who wanted to pay respects.

Unless they specifically say “family only” there is no reason why people can not come and pay respect to a man who may have touched their lives even if only in video game form.

Thankfully and clearly you are not a lawyer or versed in trademark law. Facebook owns the Oculus Rift trademark. Therefore they are the only ones legally allowed to use the domain (rules set by ICANN) Also trademark owners are forced to fight anyone using their trademark to protect their brand or the USPTO will take

Registering the domain after they announced it, asking $58,000 for them to get it from you. I don’t care what “services” you think you are doing for the community, you are domain squatter trying to get rich because you grabbed a domain first.