
I simply do not get this CW love. Every show I’ve seen on this channel is a corn-ball vehicle for hot people surrounded by shitty music, bad special effects, and non-stop verbal cliches and tired TV tropes.

I love you Patricia, god bless your honesty.

Gotta give them credit to actually replies.

Even if you prefer the original design (and still don’t have one), there will be excellent deals from two weeks on.

He’s a narcissistic asshole.

I mean what did he expect would happen if he acted like a spoiled brat? He may have been good at his work but not so good being a mature adult.

I would recommend new players to hold off on using Frakin universe. It changes and adds a lot of things to the game that can often make it more difficult. It also is one of those mods that will screw up your save if you decide to uninstall it. The author warns about it on the mod page but it never hurts to give a

you drink the first glass then

Seems like a simple server issue, as Sean alluded to in his “too many people” comment. Gonna be awhile before the servers are working as intended, I’d bet.

All images are doctored or hand picked online out of hundreds or more. Your cell phone makes amazing pictures if all the conditions are right and you got lucky. I was excited by this camera at first, too. But then you hold it and it’s huge. The sensor is very small and the speed of its preformance is just not

Sorry bro, try again, this isnt a Pixar movie for kids, this isnt a transformer movie for the maybe fan of kaiju, or for that pacific rim, this movie was made for the mature, educated, aging GODZILLA fan. And its a start, a way of showing respect for the series, instead of another VS movie or a brain numbing explosion

Making the driver an Asian woman interesting place to start...

Save every piece of info you get in photos, then send em to Nathan or Patricia at Kotaku, I bet you they’d do a story. Looking forward to hearing more.

Dude, you have no idea how big Godzilla is in my childlike imagination.

No it wasn’t. In fact Commander Shepard was initially intended as female.

and mine was female despite pr only showing off male for merchandise during 1 & 2, sooo get over it?

So sad, I didn’t know he had died. For anyone interested in seeing more of his Fallout 3 artwork over 800 pieces are posted to Flickr on the official Bethesda Account. As well as his Oblivion and Skyrim artwork if you check out the other Albums.