
Lucky for Apple, propaganda and marketing bullshit journalist are here to tell us how we are thinking wrong and should let them rationalize why these awfully unninovative, uncomplete, underspec'd, overprice and right out ugly, are in fact, really GOOD.

For boys aged 5 to 13 and girls aged 5 to 17. For everyone else, be ready to get laughed at.

Oh hey, where have I seen this before? It's just on tip of my tongue....

My conclusion based on that image is not ill-founded. It looks ridiculous. Like a Sansa mp3 player from 4 years ago.

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.... For all of Apple's great industrial design, *this* is what they came up with? I seriously can't imagine strapping that thing to my wrist, and that's supposedly the best angle that they could come up with to photograph it?

I find myself oddly relieved that there's just one more season. I've had to work hard to like this show; I'm exhausted.

If you build it, they will cum.

Once again, Rob, thank you for saving me 12 bucks and two hours of my life.

To steal what someone else said on another message board: Technically, suicide is a selfish act. However, people who are clinically depressed to the point where they're seriously considering suicide aren't capable of thinking rationally about such things.

Aren't how these deals usually work is that FOX has to make a movie within a certain amount of time to keep the film rights? If that's the case I hope they don't make a movie and it goes back to Marvel.

Fair enough. But I'll talk with you in 20 years when they make the movie anyway. LOL.
Just kidding... sort of. :) Because, you know.... GREED.

"they were replaced by the Sakaarans from the Planet Hulk storyline."

Hmm... Very interesting fact. A possible hint at a future Hulk movie? Let's hope so.

I live in SE Michigan, and I think there's a person a couple of counties away who's got it. It was all over the local news a week or two ago. :/

It's worth mentioning that there are a handful of bubonic plague cases in the US each year (and many more worldwide). In the US at least, they're not generally considered cause for alarm (unless, of course, you're the one who cuddled up to a stinky dead rodent and got infected). One case does not an epidemic make. Esth

Agreed. As a rape victim, I don't come to kotaku to hear about rape.

Can you re-write this article my good , sir? Please. I beg.

I don't think I've ever disagreed with one of Patricia's articles before, but this one made me physically ill. You need to seriously reconsider what you've said here, because it's far more damaging to the causes you're ostensibly championing than the things you're attacking are.

This bimbo makes me want to ditch Kotaku every time I see something she writes. Her articles are poorly written and intellectually vacant.

Me and my wife have a little game: Guess if Patricia wrote this article while only reading the title. It's a very easy game...