
does anyone know the name of the song that he was listening to in his car on the radio?

hahaha you casuals, you do know about decal girl . com right? im pretty sure you can make your own stickers and make your switch into anything, ive done it to my vita, ps3, tablets, cellphones, its cheap and you dont need to rely on nintendo or big companies to release said colored versions or designs or themes...

why are you shirtless?

post the pic

ha i wish your staff followed that rule, im still waiting to be unbanned on facebook on that kotaku page, all cuz i said a non offensive non cursing comment about fish and fez... dunno why that certain staff member got offended... im just a random dude...

thats like watching porn and be STOP DEGRADING WOMEN.... just no.. fan service-y anime is supposed to be aimed at males... and some females... stop. stop being a feminist, these are cartoon characters not real life.

hahaha see i made you hesitate, theres not a few, only three. you know youre lying to yourself if you beleive there was alot. you search for it yourself, but you wont, because youll be proven wrong. theres 3, end of story, this one doesnt count. and if you get bored easily dont watch dragon ball super.

SO basically make FEZ like games without the annoying Fish asshole, while having fun as well, ego-less, sign me up! :) FU fish.

name them, which posts are there, because so far there are three new one, ssj blue hair whatever its called, ssj pink hair, and ssj god mode red hair.. not in that order.

honestly if you dont like dragon ball nor respect it, you can pretty much walk out of the screen and watch some netflix... you know thats a lie, a lie for attention.

se los hago facil 200.000 lasers de 1mw-5mw para matar a alguien.. the end. y sin perder tiempo.

thank you so fucking much, i know what im doing for the next few hours hahaha, these beat those skyrim sex mods lol.

this is a really big FU to the hardcore fans, it isnt fair, im pretty sure they did want to finish it but there was probably a clause when kojima left.. maybe he made a deal that they dont have a right to finish said content.. anything that kojima left cannot be reused.....

i got banned from facebook kotaku for saying something like that.... and some dude from kotaku banned me lol... pretty sure the asshole is that dude.... least Fished was outspoken and not hidden in the cubicles....

i did a clean install, and i couldnt advance from the first mission, couldnt cut trees, so i messaged the author, all i got was none answers and a bitchy rude attitude lol. I dunno i tend to not talk to dummies like that...

stop calling it ‘zilla or zilla.. it makes you look like you know nothing of this specific kaiju series...its godzilla, or gojira, or goji. Zilla is the name of the bastard “godzilla” in the 1998 american movie...

Then, something strange happened: every monster started appeared.... STARTED APPEARED, STARTED. APPEARED.

Sorry bro, try again, this isnt a Pixar movie for kids, this isnt a transformer movie for the maybe fan of kaiju, or for that pacific rim, this movie was made for the mature, educated, aging GODZILLA fan. And its a start, a way of showing respect for the series, instead of another VS movie or a brain numbing explosion

catching up? you only showed old artwork... from japans past.. if it was catching up in the west you would have showcased said artwork....

Such a long article... did you put statistics or something...?