
if it wasnt for the driving, id love this game, but its definetly not worth the 59 dollars, its so unfinished, its stupid, you drive, and you crash, and theres no way to not hit anyone, and then your reputation dies with every pedestrian.. its not a fair game... its not even hard fun like dark souls...

i love you, this is the reason why i go to movie theaters, for this 1st world privelege ;333

man aint that the truth...

what do you mean liberties, lol explain please.

Maybe not breaking news, but i just got word from their facebook page, that they are looking for a publisher in the USA/EU, thats friggin awesome! Now lets hope it happens, it looks seriously pretty.

oh jesus christ, why didnt they stick to this version , it is soooo much better, i have a feeling it was due that it wasnt realistic looking, it looked too cartoonish.. and micheal wanted more realistic.

Can somebody tell me if this game is better or shittier than final fantasy 14 online? I love that game, its so damn addicting lol

this will be useless, it doesnt have external hdd usb support or a sd slot.. its so useless omg.

Alls im saying is sony has done kickass with me, gotten free shit, free games, 10 dollar credits once in a while, and plus they offer better game, i used to own 2 xbox 360s i sold both of them, cuz its so limited.

The xbox live is an insult.. thats why ill always stick to my ps3 and psn.. more respect for the consumer.

hhahahaha i laugh at the xbox systems and free games, try psn they respect you, they give you a ton of free shit... metro the last light is such an awesome free game.. outlast? batmann akrham city.. need i say more?

i really really wish this was a real profile straight from kanye's friggin fingers... i used to like your music, fucking inspired me, but then you went all dickhead, and then your music sucked... you aint jesus, nor is it cute to have that name, your new album is idiotic, shouldnt even be considered music, and youre

So does that mean that if i lose my 2-ds or buy a 3ds xl i cant download the game again via nintendo e-shop?

ok i never understood that, if i buy anything on my 2-ds and buy a 3-ds xl in the future, does that mean i cant transfer the games i bought on my 2-ds? I understand you can via SD card but, seriously games arent binded to your account, like PS/xbox accounts?

Also if you dont like Space Dandy , you shouldnt be reviewing this seriously, i understand the reset situation really sucks, but its like making a Ps fanboy reviewing halo 2, theyre gonna hate, i dont care if you love anime, they should have made a Space Dandy fan make this review, this just sounds pretentious and i

I utterly hate the damn american dubbed version.....i dunno why they had to cut the intro and outro and change some parts of the soundtrack, i think without the intros, it really cuts out the retro cool disco sounding effect of the series, and it just sounds like a wanna be cowboy beepob... :/ but it does look

Has anyone seen that video where they put chicks inside this grinder.. people are saying thats how they make the nuggets :(

you can make an awesome rig for less than 900 dollars, especially if you buy the hardware on sale, i bought my decent 640 for 30 dollars during black friday 2012.

huh what, arden replied, i responded... i find it hilarious that kotaku deleted a few of our comments... :/ it was sarcasm , a joke, not to be taken seriously.

Jesus christ what i would do for a HD ps3 Dissidia 2 game... id be right in there sucking the dicks -_-.