Can i just call it, in classic doctor who reasoning... the main baddie, shes gonna be a dalek in disguise :/ either way im pumped and cant wait to see this episode!
Can i just call it, in classic doctor who reasoning... the main baddie, shes gonna be a dalek in disguise :/ either way im pumped and cant wait to see this episode!
usually oldie's are awesome... especially if one puts it up in any comment section on the gawker network... this one... not so fucking much... i wanna punch someone just for enduring the two minutes it leads much fail.
yeah but when i see it, im gonna get reminded of that jake gyn. movie haha. Its so much similiar, kinda.
they made a lego simpsons are you serious?
what anime is that and where can i get a bigger gif of the one you used XD
hahaha holy shit you just shot down my : what if this movie is good? vibe ._,
any idea?
I would hope, soon as i saw Raimi's venom i was so sad :(
theres another screencap where it says VENOM CONTAINMENT , google it!
awesome! But instead of 1 hour of free play, make it a day of free play, if you like the game youd be crazy not to buy it lol.
This is the reason why i need companies to stop bitching about losing sales via piracy, i downloaded STATE OF DECAY and within the first mission i stopped playing and bought the game full price, it was that good, i mean this works for us poor people lol, not all of us make decent money writing about games.
Might as well buy them crack lol that game is super addicting and super time consuming, its just too much for me , an awesome game tho, i bought it for 29.99
As someone who didnt play none of these versions i just wanna know is this game worth it? Does it have a decent story, "IT SUCKS CUZ ITS LIEK FANFICXXXX " doesnt work for me, im a hard core ff fan and unless the gameplay sucks... theres no reason why this would suck.. also why would a dungeon that lets you fight all…
Ban hammer? Misuse? Like how someone from the facebook KOTAKU staff banned me from commenting anything on their facebook ? Care to explain that?
omfg im guessing im an idiot for not buying that referb ps vita for 129.... on ebay.... fml
Hmm, maybe the reason these three episodes are awesome is because theres a new showrunner? Maybe this one realized the errors of last season and was like, NOPE, im not going all HULK 1, this is gonna be action and suspense packed , THIS IS HULK 2.
These are the same people that block you from commenting on their facebook over a fish rant ... like wtf isnt that why kotaku exists? They make articles so people can comment on them??
yesss! thanks for the info, hopefully the mods dont cost more than 70 DX and i really hope theyre easy to install. im thinking its just a few screws.
there are no 2ds case mods DX