omggg this game is such a rip off, but i wanna play it so badlllyyyy. lol i cant wait till it comes out!! is there a monthly fee? cuz that would suck!!
omggg this game is such a rip off, but i wanna play it so badlllyyyy. lol i cant wait till it comes out!! is there a monthly fee? cuz that would suck!!
is this in the american version too? the one that comes out soon?
a game costs 59 dollars, or the cheapest 20 dollars. But if someone told me, buy this game and youll get a few of your favorite games for free unlimited as long as you buy shitty games, i would most def buy that shitty game. I wanted resident evil 5 but i already played it.. i didnt wanna buy it again for my ps3 BUT…
sony made games will be free online, and honestly if someone has the 59 dollars to buy a game, then they have 5 dollars to pay each month. All these Multiplayer games are Mature , anyways, and as an adult, it would be a shame not to be able to afford 5 dollars a month, Sony helps out as well. Giving away more free…
listen sir, WHAT IF YOUR FRIGGIN INTERNET CRAPS OUT FOR A FEW DAYS CUZ YOUR MOTHER FUCKING 39 dollars a month ISNT ENOUGH TO COVER YOUR SHITTY DSL INTERNET WIRING FOR THE WHOLE TOWN!!!! -.- how in the fuck was this going to work out in brazil, africa or mexico? or south america?? or that texas town of 2,000…
how is 5 dollars a month for free games unfortunate??? it revives the ps3 actually, i dont have access to a gaming store and all the gaming stores that are like 6 hours away charge 30 dollars plus to any video game. (im in mexico) So deal with it, from my view, its a blessing!
but either way i think ffx hd deserves my copy as well so ill buy it, but seriously you are awesome! :) we gotta get these ffx copies out there so we can get ff12 hd!!!
Nyc local? sadly im in mexico right now for like a year, business. if you want i can pay postage ;) and ill throw in a free copy of the lovely fallout 3 for ps3 ( which i love to death and in excellent condition)
well in that case can i have an extra copy? :p
nice name!
female otakus are the best fucks :p
si yo tambien, yo prefiero el ingles, que espanol, i grew up in nyc, lived all my damn life there, and i preffer inglesssss haha. It kinda feels racist that i gotta be forced to stick to gizmodo en espanol just cuz my IP is spanish! WHAT GIVES!! change me back!!!
correct!! For some reason we are to assume, that none of that can happen? That almost no one does drugs, fuck or does something illegal? Nope were all 1950's counterparts! Good citizens that dont mind if a hacker can drop in at any given moment to sniff our asses or whatever. Nope there is no such thing as a hacked…
yeah but youre missing the big one, everything is customizable, and available for developers, you can actually upgrade the hardware and i would assume the android is upgradable, all androids are ugradeable. also the tetra is the fastest. me im looking to buy that acee tablet , i forget what its called.
poor people? small market? you telling me everyone has 500 dollars to shell out for a fancy iphone/android? that most gamers are single , young hipsters that like to spend 99 dollars on a iphone case, :/ 99 dollars for a machine that plays retro games is a blessing, they sell the cheap knock offs for like 30-60…
amen brother, some people who have it all fucking want it all, and the people that barely get by, well, you know.. we are grateful we can exist... Thats why i bitched about that one stupid ass new york journalist who was bitching about her anxiety, and woe is fucking me crying cuz she was happy -_- fucking hipster...…
The first thing a sucidal person says to relative or family, is im thinking of killing myself... why would you cry if youre happy? More important, why would that matter to any of us? Advice? The best advice for any person with anxiety, depression or suicidal junk, is to face it, and divulge your feelings with the…
oh yes indeed, theres the journalist world for ya. Awesome job reporting on video games and you cant seem to work out your personal problems... Such are hipsters from NYC, except i dont think shes from NYC.
hahaha yes indeed, this is by far the most stupidest article i have fucking read, be sad about the children dying in africa, be sad about poor people in mexico, about how your favorite franchise dies due to poor managment and production.. being sad cuz you spend alot of time on the internet and that causes you to have…