
Generally good advice, but I’m confused what it has to do with the article. Did you post this in the wrong place? I know Kinja can be confusing for people that are bad at communicating. Don’t worry, you’ll get it eventually! 😶

Heck, she was blonde in the original movie anyway, surprised they aren’t freaking out over that.

A CMON game that isn't a Kickstarter with dozens of add-ons and absurd shipping costs??? What is the world coming to?

Too lazy to look if anyone said this but I recommend checking out No Rolls Barred if you like some fun board game content:

Everytime I see this type of item management/UI with bags I instantly think about Ultima Online and the title theme ‘Stones’. Good times.

Hopefully they're not making it too big. 10-15 hours is really the sweet spot for metroidvanias imo.

There are still competitive LCGs out there.  Upper Deck’s Vs (Mainly Marvel but some other properties) and Renegade’s Rivals (World of Darkness but mainly Vampire the Masquerade)

Ka truly is a wheel.

Thankee sai

She’s going to finally take the test she’s been studying for

I know this is a marketing stunt, but the fact that she has a companion (of sorts) now just makes me stupid happy.

Oooh, Solarpunk 2077!

My Witcher boardgame is on a BOAT!

My review: It’s a big fun movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It has flaws, but it *feels* like an actual D&D adventure. 4/5 owlbears

That’s a lot of shovelware preserved.

Idk if a human could pull this off by themselves, it doesn’t look like there’s mushroom for error.

Also, neat to read the voice actor for Video Game Joel had a part in this episode.

All the MOMENTS will be lost in time. Like tears in the rain. 

Okay, I was already cautiously optimistic based off of the surprisingly-solid trailers, but hearing these two writers talk inside-baseball about how they made their script reflect the dynamics of different tabletop players’ playstyles in a way that shows they apparently know how to actually make a satisfyingly characte

Having the entire Illuminati slaughtered within five minutes was brilliant.