
When do midichlorians get introduced? Seems like the next logical step based on the easy to follow series of events this article lays out.

While I (obviously) have neither the fame nor the success of someone like Cavil, I feel like I can relate to the moment when you are teetering on going deep into tabletop/nerd culture conversations, but can’t because you also need to read the room and realize that folks don’t know/aren’t interested in this stuff.

Love a good detain card. The bonus of getting some extra mana is great too.

I just wanted to add that I appreciate Linda slugging it out in the comments section of nearly all the articles they post. I’m not sure if there’s another writer on io9 who jumps into the sludge with as much frequency.

I can happily attest that Illimat is great! It’s as if you found an ancient card game in your grandmother’s attic--but it had modern game design. 

I’ll always comment on the D&D retro-book reviews. Maybe one of the top one reasons to read

Co-Op and Solo Games are a great! They aren’t quite doing a jigsaw puzzle, not the same as reading a book, definitely more engaging then watching TV—they hold an interesting space in my brain. FWIW, I think one key is to have access to a table that you can just leave the game out (similar to how you would with a

What would you say was the first Saturday Kid’s Cartoon that actually cared about quality? I think Winnie-the-Pooh had a consistent world and some great episodes. Duck Tales? The scene where the cave man kid gives Scrooge a coin can warm anyone’s heart.

Blue Fairy, adventures into scary looking lands, a quest for becoming a real boy...

This is why I scroll through the comments. You deserve more stars.

“Todd only rhymes with God.”

My memory of Neverending Story: A charming adventure full of whimsical characters!

My mind has been blown.

I love giving out a well deserved star. Well done.

Yes? It was the 6 book series for the Spelljammer setting. Started off on Krynn, ended up over at Oereth and then lots of points between.

Why is it a “Classic Dragonlance” book and not a “Dragonlance” book? Did I not read this article good? Was that explained somewhere else?

I’m always for Bricken suffering through D&D books. My rooftop call since he started doing them was for the Cloakmaster Cycle.

often my strategy when a new tabletop game comes out. “Aha! Another gift for me! Thank you, me!”

I’m okay with this.

Speaking of other media—Android: Netrunner, my favorite nerdy card game of all time blatantly uses the PreCogs as an aspect of the game. Though in the game they were psychic clones that helped protect a clone manufactoring company from espionage and theft.