I feel this comment in my bones. While I’m sure I could come around to understanding the game, the card text in Yu-gi-oh cards put nearly all Blue MTG cards to shame.
I feel this comment in my bones. While I’m sure I could come around to understanding the game, the card text in Yu-gi-oh cards put nearly all Blue MTG cards to shame.
How else are you going to watch Time Cop three times? Such a value loss! :)
Take is mild at best :-)
Take is mild at best :-)
Your re-reading of the D&D books is my favorite feature on io9. Good stuff Rob.
Was thinking about this. Sarco is such a bad name for this product. I don’t know if any name would be a good name, but sheesh. Sarco?
and truth is knowing that Armor Class is meant to be better as it gets lower, THAC0 tables are sensible, and (per 2nd Edition) it was logical for a paladin to have a minimum Charisma requirement of 17.
I could be wrong, but I have some vague memory that Mitchell liked to play the heel in all the classic video game drama. Even to the point that other folks were in on it. Further, he was actually an okay human?
Honest thoughts on the “Throwing the Pills Away” Cliche? As someone who has family members that take medication for depression, I’ve more recently become a bit more sensitive to how this gets portrayed in media.
That’s a TED talk I’d attend!
I see what you are doing here. I ran it by the folks in the Nerdy Joke Department and it was approved 5-4.
Your unrequested Card Game suggestion is here for you! Smash Up!
Okay—while Dave Sim is a complete bastard on nearly every single front of human existence, it’s news like this that show the Comic Book Creator’s Bill of Rights is a good idea.
The latest Ad Design on my social media feeds tend to be a group of folks talking about their strategies for some Risk-esque territory building game.
take your damn star.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie—Asshole Edition :)
Not sure if it would sell millions of copies, but I would buy it.
Kotaku is hiring and I, as a person in the comments section, would hire you. Good stuff.
How many countries are in this country?
I thought DriveThru products were printed in U.S. and Europe? I’m probably wrong, but I recall when I ordered from them the cards were printed in Kansas (I think?).
Has this system ever been used in another setting? While I’m RPG Adjacent these days, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of d616.
I’m still waiting for you to review Beyond the Moons in the Spelljammer setting. Though if you want to hate-read something, just skip to fifth book of the Cloakmaster Cycle.