Tony Black

Apparently, Business Insider has made the same observation that we have.

I’d consider writing for them if I had the time. I’ve been all over the place, from dishwasher to project manager pushing a six digit income to bagging groceries just to eat, and now I’m in retail management. I’m also currently a finance major and my fiancee is an accountant.

I could see it now. Articles on dodging as

Exactly. That’s why I consider it a lost decade. I was unfortunate enough to be in Charlotte, which has been incredibly hostile towards older millennials. We were a textiles and banking city, then during the recession we might as well had been Detroit. Banking recovered, but we only import workers from other cities

It’s not really that uncommon to see parts and styling sharing. Usually it’s the other way around, like Mercedes parts used in Chryslers from the aughts. It could be worse though. They might as well slap a Dodge badge on Maseratis.

In the generational cycle, you’d be in the unraveling. Lots of individualism, such as anti-establishment music (punk, grunge, etc), anti-government acts (Waco, OKC bombing), and generally anti-culture.

I consider millennials are in two different groups. You have the older ‘lost’ millennials that were kicked in the

These articles aren’t really written for working class people. They’re intended for white collars that can afford to save. It’s also for younger millennials. Older millennials (who are hitting 35 now) were lucky to even have jobs.

I’d say having a relatively secure job with enough financial security to guarantee basic needs while maintaining a sane schedule should be the minimum standard of living, but not be considered “wealthy”. Wealthy (in the financial sense) is simply having far more than you’ll ever need. In economics, that would be the

I don’t really have a favorite list. It depends on what style and region of food that I’m cooking. I do a lot of Asian cooking though. Soy sauce and rice vinegar are a must for just about any Asian cooking. It doesn’t matter if it’s Japanese or Filipino. Bird’s eye chilis and fish sauce will cover a lot of SE Asian

Come to Charlotte. If the 5mph traffic doesn’t make you beg for public transportation, the New Yorkers with 10 minutes of driving experience will.

Pat McCrory is an idiot. Despite Charlotte’s racial makeup, the city is firmly controlled by neoliberals. That means that the city reports to wealthy whites. That’s why the city funnels everything it can into the ‘white wedge’ that is south Charlotte while the rest of the city rots. Be scared for your home if the

To be fair, just look at Florida if you want to see the damage invasive species can do. Tokay geckos, pythons, lion fish, and tiger shrimp from SE Asia. Debbie Wasserman Shultz from NYC. Rick Scott from Missouri. All extremely destructive.

Most romaine is going to come from California this time of year. The stuff on the shelf will be fine at this point. What I’d watch out for is the vacuum-sealed romaine that restaurants use.

Most important thing, wash your produce thoroughly. It’s grown outside in a field full of chicken poo where wildlife can get their

That sounds like more of an issue with the one that made the loan because they put more emphasis on some kid who probably had their parents buy them a good credit score, and less on the fact that the kid was a part-timer that probably never had to pay their own bills.

Believe me, it isn’t just millennials. This issue has been going on ever since boomers stagnated incomes in the ‘60s. Back then, you could buy a new Porsche 911 for less than the average person made in a year. Most new cars weren’t even a quarter of your annual income. Just imagine being able to get a new Mustang GT

Inflation will play a part, but specifically in the rental market. Residential is about 50% overvalued at the moment. However, I think commercial rental could break first, considering how many businesses are closing now due to inability to pay rent (we just had a Dean and DeLuca get evicted over it, most just refuse

The US spent 1.5 trillion on a jet that can’t even beat the F-16 in a fight. I’m pretty sure the FBI has no problem dropping 15 grand on just about anything, even if it doesn’t work.

Just because Siri is the worst AI doesn’t make Apple incompetent. They’re just not in the advertising business so they have no real motivation to acquire every last detail about you. Although, god help us if they ever did get into advertising. They were effective enough to build billions by getting people to pay twice

You’re likely correct on the old phone thing. I know that I have five smartphones, with four of them just sitting in a junk drawer. If I were into Blackberries and iPhones, then I could easily have accumulated 16 over the past two decades. Instead, I used throwaway flip phones, before I started accumulating

I go diving in the Philippines, and a long sleeve rash guard is a must. Not only does it protect you from the common jellyfish swarms, but it also blocks all UV. You do end up with a very noticeable tan line though, where a loose shirt will likely have more of a fade.

If I recall, the whole shift away from the family farm had a lot more to do with insane interest rates than taxes. Banks would make loans for farm equipment at rates that were impossible to pay back. Then they’d take the farm when the loan went into default. In college US History, there’s also the mention of