Tony Black

Just because Siri is the worst AI doesn’t make Apple incompetent. They’re just not in the advertising business so they have no real motivation to acquire every last detail about you. Although, god help us if they ever did get into advertising. They were effective enough to build billions by getting people to pay twice

You’re likely correct on the old phone thing. I know that I have five smartphones, with four of them just sitting in a junk drawer. If I were into Blackberries and iPhones, then I could easily have accumulated 16 over the past two decades. Instead, I used throwaway flip phones, before I started accumulating

I go diving in the Philippines, and a long sleeve rash guard is a must. Not only does it protect you from the common jellyfish swarms, but it also blocks all UV. You do end up with a very noticeable tan line though, where a loose shirt will likely have more of a fade.

If I recall, the whole shift away from the family farm had a lot more to do with insane interest rates than taxes. Banks would make loans for farm equipment at rates that were impossible to pay back. Then they’d take the farm when the loan went into default. In college US History, there’s also the mention of

First, I included politics because the person I replied to made an obvious anti-left attack on the author. Due to that, I felt like pointing out that neoliberals can’t be distinguished from other right-wing groups. Their comment wreaks of neoliberalism (as does yours).

We need to cut to the chase and bring back feudalism.

I’ve been using pocket casts for about four years. It’s the one app that I’ve paid cash for (the rest I wait on google rewards). I think the ability to cast to my home has made it so that I don’t the same integration that I have with audible and my echo.

Maybe I have been lucky so far, but what is this “interview” that you speak of? I just go to a computer, punch in that I’m not carrying any monkeys or palm trees, have some dude stare at me funny, then I’m through. Last time took about thirty minutes at JFK.

Edit: Nevermind. I read this as if Global Entry had to do an

No, we aren’t. The neoliberals were warned for over a year. Get on the progressive wave, or get Trump. You chose Trump. At the rate you’re going, you’re choosing him again. You’re going to vote for whoever the DNC tells you to vote for, no matter what they’re like. Not that it matters. The DNC already admitted that

People like you are why Trump will likely get four more years.

Because it was proven that the primary was rigged... That’s not how democracy works.

I’ve never once heard him promote the “white working class”. I have heard him promote the “working class” plenty of times. I also heard MLK do the same. It’s the neoliberals Democrats and Republicans that don’t give a crap about people that work for a living.

I remember that. It was a rhetorical question. Not that neoliberals care about context.

I had a similar issue with a micro sd card. It’s basically locked in read-only mode due to two corrupt folders (under the kindle and spotify folders). Nothing has worked. This trick (I used winrar, but it accomplishes the same task), command line wiping the attributes, check disk, safe mode, nothing.

I never cared for this simply because it’s too difficult to verify if you’ve worked for a major organization, as a result, it seems degrees get far too much favor until you’re finally hired.

For example, I was one of the top project managers in the nation out of 52 offices. Saved 30% of my $10 million budget, top 3 in

It really depends on the agent used. I was in the 4th MEB (precursor to MARSOC). Specifically, I was attached to the CBIRF survey unit (the guys that respond to NBC incidents in the US, such as the ricin letters). Even more specifically, I performed decontamination.

In the case of chemical agents, they’re mostly