Tony Bullard Jr

@angryCutlet: Sync your music? Just drag it onto your SD Card...

I pick the one I can put Cyanogen on...

@YellowRex: Are you kidding? That's one of the biggest things I remember about Windows 95. My family was crowded around the monitor, and I was amazed I was watching VIDEO on a computer. Granted, it didn't fill up more then 30% of the screen, but it was there!

@marjancek: Maybe people do all their web developing after midnight?

@sxs3200: So your solution is always carry a laptop with you just in case you may need to check something once in a blue moon?

It's all these little things that make me love Windows 7 so much.

@Camron: Damn...I use Open Office.

@muzicman82: your clipboard utilities are turning you into a robot.

Is there a way to automate a document being uploaded to Google Docs every few days? I want to continue to edit it offline, but would like the online version to be updated. Is this possible?

Ride a bike to work. Instead of wasting time sitting in a car, use that time to get some exercise in while you're getting to and from work.

@muzicman82: Just cause you can type fast doesn't mean you want to type the same thing over and over again. When I have to do data entry stuff, autohotkey is a life saver.

I started with Texter a long, long time ago, then moved on to autohotkey.

As a cyanogen mod user, I look at this and go, "Man...I want this so bad. I wonder how much longer till that stable build with 2.2 in it comes out." I can't begin to imagine how much I would hate my phone if it was an unrooted android phone.

@Hamslicer: "Maybe its simplistic but I think the FCC should not allow companies that stand to profit from a policy write that same policy. "

Some of it seems a little over board, but at the same time, a lot of it makes sense.

@chefgon: Tasker can identify location using cell towers.

@kontwolaapje: Mobile interface is nice, but what about when I'm on the train, don't have any sort of connection, and I want to add an action?

I use right now, and I'm pretty happy with it. Simple, easy to use, and not bad looking either. Plus, it works well with "Shuffle" a great Android GTD app.

Looks neat, but without an Android app, it's useless to me. No point in putting all my lists into a web site if I can't access them away from my computer.

I think Google suffers from being Google. Many of these tools, wave, buzz, latitude, work PERFECT if you work in a tech company that's gull of forward thinking people who want to be connected all the time. But outside of that, a lot of it comes off as intrusive, disrespectful of privacy, and sometimes creepy.