Tony Bullard Jr

@curtis07: Don't feed the trolls.

@N7: Here's why:

Popbox, Boxee Box, GoogleTV. I'll buy whichever one I can hack the most.

@octasquid: So you're saying that every manufacturer that makes an android manages to make a poor phone? Really? The OS is causing manufacturing issues?

Why not eliminate the link from the character count all together? Seems dumb to include it.

Good Music, Bad examples.

Seeing what the open source android community is like has cursed me to never be able to buy another non-rootable phone ever again.

I've always avoided coffee simply because of the way people act about it. I don't want a substance that I 'can't live without' or that I can blame my bad attitude in the morning on.

@zwer: Same here

I was using this for a while. Downside is it only does a calorie total. It doesn't let you know how much total sodium and such is in your diet. Seems like it would be an easy enough addition to the app...

I (finally) want to go about getting an Xbox 360...but this honestly gives me pause. Are ALL the 360s made there?

I'm sorry, but 24 frames is one of the things that make movies movies. I saw some of the XMen 3 on BluRay at 60fps, and it looked like it was shot on DVCam. Completely ruined the look of a high budget Hollywood film.


Knowing how awful the PC version is, I'm hesitant to put this on my phone.

I'd like to get into making some User Scripts for myself using Greasemonkey. I know HMTL and CSS. No real java script education. Where's a good place to start, knowing that my goal is to reogranize some sites I use often (luckily not very complicated sites)

@Terry: I think it's just a slight mental shift. Rather than, "I wonder if there's anything on" it would be "I wonder what sitcom's I could find." Or "I wonder if I could find something about [subject] on."

@wicketr: I use them and like them. Very good phone support.