@gMan: Maybe she locked it down after she learned her gross older brother was spying on her. Mom!!!
@gMan: Maybe she locked it down after she learned her gross older brother was spying on her. Mom!!!
From my experience working around those giant ice makers, I'd really rather not drink melted ice cubes.
Hulu is not free.
I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Sure, it's kinda fun to put Google's OS on the crotchety iPhone, but I don't see why this would be such a big deal. Its not like there's not plenty of good Android phones out there. Are we supposed to believe that the one thing that's keeping Android behind the iPhone…
I realize this doesn't add much to the conversation, but Bored to Death FTW!
Wow, if that's not a testament to dissatisfaction from Apple customers, I don't know what it.
The store time tip, that's pretty much the only use I've found for Evernote on my phone.
@pvcrisp: I use the tactic of not answering their question, but letting them know what they need to fix. Then it's in their hands to figure out how to fix it. There are few problems out there that you can't find some guide to fix. That way they learn how to fix it, AND they learn that they can learn how to solve…
I work at a small studio. 7 employees in total. We do everything in email. It's a lifesaver for me, as I'm the do-all guy. Being able to prioritize the things people need me to do is the only way my job is doable.
@nerdly: Just realized there's a Firefox extension for this too. D'oh!
This would be awesome for my work. I have to call a lot of numbers from our database, it would be awesome to just click the number in my browser and my phone rings and connects the two...that would be awesome.
I'm glad it's finally catching on that talking on the phone and driving is a bad idea. Even a year ago you were considered old fashioned and behind the times if you felt that way.
Great...let the squatters commence!
I skipped over Vista, so it seemed like a drastic improvement to me. I REALLY like it and recommend it to anyone that asks.
Is it weird that I often find that I looks at sites FOR the comments? Half the time I'll skip past the article just to read the discussion.
Now put this on my phone and the world will be perfect.
Snarky answer: uninstall iTunes
You do with what you have to. Unfortunately it's nearly impossible to secure every feature on your bike. That's one of the downsides of having such a modular vehicle. Yes, they could get their wheels stolen (also their seats, handlebars, brakes, shifters, derailleurs, stem, crank arms, pedals, chain and handlebar…
@infamousjre: You throw them both in the back of your truck, and then you destroy the U-lock, which isn't very hard in the privacy of your own evil bike thief lair.
If you're interested in this stuff, watch the documentary "King Corn" It's not as heavy handed as Supersize Me and the like, but it's an interesting look into how our country treats corn (and puts it in EVERYTHING.)