
GEORGIA: just trying to keep pace with the bigots in Alabama!


Do wrong, get harsh sentence.

Jesus fucking Christ. This country is fucked beyond repair.

Should she have argued at first? Probably not, though she did cover up the “problem” to comply. However....

My personal favorite was, “You have to call the police now.” Oh, NOW you need someone to come save your worthless, racist behind when all you had to do was shut the fuck up in the first place. Three steps to the left and miss me with that, mmmkay?

I suspect she felt protected under the assumption that a BLACK man wouldn’t hit a WHITE woman.

General consensus amongst Seattleties is that the Seattle Times is trash.

I haven’t said it in a very long time, but I’m not my grandparents and somebody will catch these hands.

Oh, fun, let’s perpetuate the ongoing erasure of Seattle’s Black communities.

When white man criticizes a grown as black man’s “behavior”, you know the article has gone off the rails. Good for Bennett for calling out that bullshit article/writer.

Heheheeeeee...not Miss Anne...eff her!

Right, all I saw was a young man in a rush not to miss his stop.

Assault? I didn’t see anything. Did something happen to Miss Anne?


This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

I got nothin’...

Wait, was Sheriff Uncle Rukus too busy?

“Damn, even I hate that bootlicking mother...”