Toni Bancae

Comment of the year material right here.

Thankyou. Came to say the same but you chose the photo well.

The internet is now complete.

I bought one in the early 2000s back when I was a teenager who thought they were smart.

Cause this cheap-ass Studebaker won’t fit ‘em in the trunk. Need to borrow your Caddy.

So what happened to those hooker and why you call me to fix this dead hooker problem?

I’m serious, Bob. Powdered rhino horn. Goddamn thing was THIS LONG! Dorothy couldn’t handle it, I had to call a couple hookers.

OK, so you don’t like matte finishes...this is a lot of words to get that point across no? Aside from plasti-dipped heaps, matte finish is still a legitimate choice and far from outdated. Done right I think it looks great, as I’m sure many do. And it’s advertising on an F1 car, hard to make that different or exciting.


I can hate on them. Because they are fucking idiots.

He had the nerve to get elected, TWICE even, and they still can’t find a legit excuse to try and impeach him.

I’m a republican who has voted for Obama twice. I don’t see the problem that the stupid half of my party complains about. He’s done what he said he would and I respect him for that.

100% Correct.

Another great lesson on how things will last if you take care of them, AKA, why you can’t find pristine K-car anymore (nobody ever cared to take care of them). If an early ‘70s truck, made of thin steel, with zero rustproofing, built to what would be laughable quality tolerances today, can last that long with proper

What makes you think he isn’t? Actions like that make his daddy proud.

Finger is on the trigger. That man should not be allowed in decent society.

When I was 16, I’m pretty sure gasoline was not something I ever considered drinking. In fact, I don’t think there’s any point of my life where I ever considered drinking gasoline.